Re: Wanderly – 5yr old Lab x *HOMED*

Re: Wanderly – 5yr old Lab x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Re: Wanderly – 5yr old Lab x *HOMED*

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    This lovely boy is gone into foster with Carolyn who will update soon ;)


    Picked Wanderly up earlier to drop him off to Carolyn….he is a real sweetie! Seems like he had some training as he was able to obey ‘sit’ and ‘paw’ for a biscuit. Even though he’s big, he was really well behaved on lead. If i could, I would take him…gorgeous boy :P


    This guy has settled in great….he loves other dogs and is very well behaved.

    He has ulcers in his mouth and is on antibiotics. He also has a growth on his mouth which needs to be investigated and removed so please say a prayer that all goes well and he will be back to his happy self soon ;)


    Well….. Wanderly (We have renamed him Dougie for short!) is an absolute pet! He really is such a gent, he is getting on great so far with our two and also all of our farm yard animals. He is a handsome boy and looks very much like a retriever except he is black and tan.

    I think he has come from a home with kids as he is very gentle around them- see pix (our nieces and nephew). He is well trained, will sit & give the paw :D and is used to being in the house.

    Have a lovely video of him that I will try to upload :D


    Jesus Carolyn, the difference in him since we picked him up from the pound! :o He looks like a completely different dog, i would never have picked him out of a line up! Obviously you’re doing something right there! :D
    I hope he finds a forever home soon, he’s a gorgeous dog. I think my other half would have kept him if we had a place of our own!
    Hats off to you Carolyn! X


    He is a beauty alright! thanks L :-) His coat is sooooo shiny now, Paul gave him a good scrubbin ;-)

    Picked up gentle dougie from the vets yesterday afternoon, all went well, Vet has aged him between 3 & 5. He was feeling a little sorry for himself (see pic), which is allowed!! but I brought him home and spoiled him rotten for the evening. He is most definitely back to his happy self this morning :-)


    My first video upload so hopefully this link works!!!

    Dougie doing his tricks :D :D :D :D :D :D


    Fantastic, Carolyn!! He looks great. :D :D


    Great video Carolyn..he seems like a chilled dog. He’s very lucky to have found you all. :D


    Well Dougie has settled in perfectly, we would hardly even notice he is here. He gets on great with our two bowseys and has no issues with chickens, pigs or horses :D

    He is a complete pet and has lots of gentlemanly manners! :D

    I think Dougs would be suitable for any type of home… with kids, without kids, a couple, single person. I feel he would fit in just about anywhere. He would also suit a home with other dogs / pets or a home without.



    Just wondering how Dougie is doing ? Hope he has fully recovered from his health issues. He looks like and sounds like a lovely fellow. We’ve only recently registered and are awaiting to hear from DID about adopting.

    best regards


    Hi JedandEd :D Thanks for asking about Dougie, He is doing just great and is 100%. He is such a pet…. and literally follows me around the place… He is so placid and laid back I think he would be perfect for a therapy dog! have attached some photos below.


    Hi Carolyn,

    Sorry if this reply is a repeat, not sure if our earlier email was sent, thanks for update and posting of the photos of Dougie.

    best regards,

    Eamonn and Fionnuala.


    Well….. as you can see from the subject dougie love is reserved!!! :D :D :D He was a lucky boy to have two very lovely visitors to see us last week.

    I really cant say enough what a pet this little (big) man is. He really is an absolute dote of a dog. I think this is gonna be a match made in heaven :D


    Aw, I am so happy to hear that he has been reserved! He’s such a big sweet softie! Can’t wait to hear that he’s gone to his new home!

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