Prince – Spaniel x Labrador Puppy *HOMED*

Prince – Spaniel x Labrador Puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Prince – Spaniel x Labrador Puppy *HOMED*

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    This little man will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6mts old. Pudge and panda are the last two pups left from this litter , they are really lovely tempermented pups that love to be cuddled and love to play
    prince and pudge playing.JPG
    pudge flaked out.JPG


    This fella came to me to me today as well with his brother (pudge). im just getting used to them now , :P . prince is the smooth coat one. He is the outgoing one i think so far he keeps looking at my cat and barking but NO way will he go near her :evil: . reuben loves him as they are about the same size and love to play fight :lol: .


    More pics of the ever so labby Prince :D
    july2010 020.JPG
    july2010 001.JPG


    Prince is doing really well , he loves nothing better than to run around the back garden playing with anyone at all even the cat .. Another good day with the toilet training :) . This cute guy is soooo playful and he loves my daughter and follows her all the time, hopefully he will find his forever family soon :P .
    (pudge) hiding with so.JPG


    Brought prince to maxi zoo as well he is 7.5kg :o , that’s a good weight for a baby !! . He had the blue harness and he loved the attention one man even asked me if i was selling him , as he was looking for a pup like him, had to explain that i foster for DID. ( poor man was very disappointed) A little girl then asked if she could walk around the shop with him on the lead and she did he loved it and so did the girl. Prince is a great boy and he loves to play and run around with anyone ! I know he would love his own family so he can get ALL the attention :) .
    prince did.JPG


    Prince is doing really well with his walks he is very good on the lead, and the toilet training is great , he doesn’t like going out in the rain but he crawls along by the wall to go somewhere dry :lol: . He loves to fall asleep ANYWHERE so you have to be careful where you walk , his favourite place is behind the door. He is a very handsome boy and takes a great photo as you can see from the photo,,
    prince out for his walk.JPG


    how regal does he look????
    prince is a beautiful boy,he is playful and loves attention from kids.
    i cant wait to see what lucky family get him.


    Prince is turning into the best boy his manner is so good :D , he always waits for his food and the only time you will hear him bark is if you take too long ,, he loves his walks and he loves to walk beside Effy ;) . He is great with kids and other dogs he is just a great pup..
    prince looking cool.JPG


    Prince is a fantastic pup he is more Labrador than spaniel and he loves to go out on walks with the "gang" :lol: .. We bring them over to the large green near us and i have started to let him off his lead ,, his recall is really good ( helped with the treats in my pocket) we always meet people with their dogs and he is very well behaved . This fab boy is ready to go and is going to make some family very happy ,, cant wait to see him meet them !!


    He is really growing up into a very handsome chap!


    We had our home visit today and I had this little guy in mind. I could see him fitting in with us so well, and maybe even helping to tire our other big baby out. I’ve my fingers and toes crossed nobody else wants him and our messy garden wasn’t a big shock!


    went on walkies with prince,pudge, mya (cos she got her 2nd vax :D ) and effie. it was like a puppy day out…………..
    it was bloody hilarious but prince was like the leader of the pack till he got a stick,piece of paper or teeny tiny piece of fluff and mya plagued him for it :lol: :lol:
    love this boy ;)


    this handsome man is still waiting for his forever home.



    Well this big hamson guy has a family coming on Friday to collect him cant wait as they are bringing their rottweiler with them so she can meet prince :D ,, will let everyone know how things go :P !!
    prince with his little brother,,.JPG


    We took prince home on Friday and he is so settled in it’s like he’s been here for years already. Our Rottie was very nervous of him at first and still doesn’t like him jumping on her but yesterday was the first time they had a good play together and prince was delighted to finally get somewhere with her. All this boy wants to do is play, play, play. He learns so quickly but chooses to ignore some of the rules he doesn’t like. He never seems to tire of playing and is always exhausted at night from a busy day. He’s had only 1 little accident in the house but that was because he drank gallons of water after a big play. He walks along beside you without a lead, sometimes so close he trips you up and is fine to walk with the buggy too. It’s like we got a playful little puppy with loads of energy but none of the initial hard work. A big Thanks to Sandra for getting him to this stage and having the heart to let him go. You deserve a medal for all you do.

    PS-The pictures don’t do him justice at all!!! He’s gorgeous.

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