Paco – Springer Spaniel x puppy – HOMED

Paco – Springer Spaniel x puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Paco – Springer Spaniel x puppy – HOMED

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    This poor little baby is only 4/5mts old and was surrendered by his owners. He is now in foster with Marie who will update soon :D
    15 April Harry Springer Spaniel X Pup Male About 5 Months 1st Photo.jpg.JPG


    Collected this baby tonight from Una and all I can say is WOW, how anyone surrendered this little mite is beyond me!!! He’s a quiet little thing who just follows you everywhere. He was great in the car but I don’t think he’s ever been at the end of a lead. Under that amazing fluffy coat he’s just skin and bone but even though he’s well underweight he has no food agression(had our hand in the bowl and not even a growl). Will keep you posted :) :) :)


    Please give him a hug from us all here, we only had him a few hours and he broke my girls hearts he is so lovable, glad to be out and safe at last.It was great to meet you both, cant wait to see him blossom in your care…hes a lucky lucky chap……Oonagh


    Glad to say Paco is beginning to come out of his shell. he still isn’t sure how to play but he’s starting to interact alot more :D :D He seems to have mastered "Sit" but my god is he food crazy which isn’t surprising as he’s so skinny :evil: :evil: We will attempt a walk tomorrow, he was too nervous of the lead and we didn’t want to overwhelm him. He loves the couch and the beds which we’re letting him away with just until he doesn’t cower when you say "No". No crying at night but thats because he has my lot for company but he does fret when you put him out even with the other dogs, I have a feeling he may have just been left alone a lot!!!!


    @ Oonagh, the cuddles have been passed on :D :D


    Last night was great he finally started to play first with a ball and then with Rocky :D :D He’s a lot bouncier today and gets excited when he sees us now.
    2011-04-21 20.49.30.jpg
    2011-04-19 21.35.55.jpg


    Well his first walk went well a little aprehensive at first but soon got the hang of it. Not too fond of traffic but we’ll get used to it. Got stopped a couple of times by admirers :D :D So lovely to see the breeze in his hair as he trotted along.

    DID Rescue

    The poor little mite must have had no life so far except alone and probably shouted at. :x
    It won’t be long for the doggie residents to show him the ropes and teach him both dog and human rules ;)
    Nothing like their own kind to bring them on.
    Thanks to all for taking care of him.I am sure he is starting to fell safe already and I am sure he is saying I never knew life was like this before now :)


    Am falling more in love with this baby everyday. Don’t think he got much affection as he doesn’t automatically come when you call him but once he does he loves to curl up on your lap. He cowers if you raise your voice (which happens alot in this house) :( :( . He finally figured out how to play and hasn’t stopped ever since. He has even managed to get our big dominant male(who never plays with other dogs) to wrestle with him for hours. We haven’t had any accidents in the house at all!!!!! Will try upload a video soon.


    We collected this little man from Tania on Sunday, and Henry as we have named him soon made him self at home. Having a good explore of the house checking his new bed for comfort and every other piece of funiture.
    We had a bit of a restless first night and a few accidents but other than that Henry seems to have settled in well. He’s enjoying his walks and a bit of play so hopefully he will continue to come out of himself.


    He looks very happy, thank you :D


    We knew this fella would be snapped up quickly. It took him a few days to settle in when we first fostered him, he looks very content in the photo….Send him some cuddles from us as we never got to say goodbye. Marie and the Gang


    A couple more pics of Henry. He is doing really well and has made himself at home. We’re had him off the lead a couple times now and he is very well behaved not wondering too far and generally comes when he is called.
    He is really becoming very playful and even has his own teddy (which is slowly losing its limbs)

    He is very good around other people and was being hand fed by Sarahs little nephew yesterday.


    He’s adorable :D


    Love those ears :D

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