Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED*

Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Oscar – 5yr old Springer*HOMED*

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    Oscar is a 5 year old Springer boy.
    He is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered.

    Oscar is great with other dogs and children. He is fully house trained, he walks really well on the lead and is such a social boy that everyone loves him and he loves them back! He travels well in the car and would suit any family type.

    If you would like to apply to adopt Oscar please go to the "adopt a dog" section in the tabs at the top of this page or click here https://dogsindistress.org/adopta-dog/
    There you will find all the information on the adoption procedure and the adoption application to be downloaded.


    Oscar arrived to out house about 9pm last night , he is a very lively playful dog,he is the same as my own dog Polly once he has a toy he will drop it at your feet for you to play with him. We played fetch on the green for a while and he is brings the ball back each time . Oscar and Polly got on great last night sleeping in sitting room there was not a sound out of either of them all night. When I came down this morning Oscar was there to greet me with his tail wagging. :)


    Oscars full day in our house went very well , he had two walks and loads of play, he does pull a bit when walking but also stops when u call him and walks back to you , A little bit of training and he will be great walking. We let him off the lead to run through the green and he was great , did not go to far and came when called . He sits and stays when asked and also gives the paw . He was not as lively last night after all his activities during the day and we did have to turn the telly up a little as he does snore a bit :lol: . This morning when I came down at 6.30am he didn’t even get out of bed just looked up at me , he is so gentle and good .


    Well myself Oscar and Polly had a lovely day today ,We went for a long walk this morning. Oscar is getting better at walking did not pull as much and if he does all it takes is a Oscar come back and he will walk back to you . I brushed him today and he stood still for me so that was good . Yesterday Oscar played with some children on the green and had a great time , when he got tired of fetching the ball he just lay on the green. The post man came this morning which starts Polly barking but there wasn’t a sound out of Oscar.


    Oscar has met loads of dogs out walking over the last few days and not once did he bark or try get over to any of them , he just walked on .
    He is also getting used of our little routine of drying off paws at the door :) . The only time he barks is if a toy he is playing with goes under chiar or couch and he can’t get it !


    Ohhh wow what a fab little man -we are looking to adopt a dog and this little fella would suit us down to the ground :)
    Cant wait until the morning to ring and enquire


    Hi Charm,
    Welcome to the site. The admin might be busy tomorrow with the family day so your call might not be answered. However if you fill in an application which you will find in the "adopt a dog" section or in the forms & downloads section along the top.

    Once you email that it someone from Admin will get back in contact to let you know if we are moving forward to Home Visit :D :D


    Thanks :)
    Will have a look at the details on the form tonight
    Excited.com :)


    Oscar is with us just over a week now and has settled in really well. When you sit on ground beside him to pet him he will turn over for a belly rub. We had a thunder storm the other day and it did’t bother him at all while Polly was hiding under the table . He has got brushed every day for the last few days and really likes it . Got a harness off Marie and has helped a lot with the walking , I am now able to bring the both dogs
    together which is great. Oscar still zig zags a bit on the pavement but I’m sure that won’t last long .


    Beautiful photos :D


    Oscar got his hair cut on Sunday and was really good.


    Oscar has had a very busy week , we had another visitor to our house , my brothers puppy Lu Lu and it didn’t bother Oscar when she was jumping all over him and biting his ears :lol: . Oscar also loves getting wrapped in a towel to be dried off after a walk in the rain. He would be such a great addition to any family .


    Oscar is still doing great. He never gets up on the couch not like polly who anytime I look around she is on the couch :shock: . Oscar will come over and sit at your feet and if you tap the couch he will only then get up and sit beside you and be asleep in a second.


    They are indeed beautiful photos. Just look at those eyes, they say it all. He is a beautiful dog with a beautiful nature to go with it.
    Obviously wonderful with children as well. :D :D


    Oscar is still with me and I have to say he has helped me so much to get over the loss of my lovely Dixie . Oscar makes me laugh everyday.
    I was watering the garden with a hose today and Oscar decides he would like a drink from the hose :lol: So then I got a bottle of water and tried him with that and yes he had no problem drinking from the bottle , How handy is that on a long walk !!!!

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