Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED

Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED

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    This is Kingston and he will be medium in size when fully grown. He will be high energy and require an active home. I got him today my little niece picked him out :D , He is smaller than his sister,,, but he is sooo cute


    Brought this little angel together with his sister today :) Very good in the car :)


    This little boy is sooo cute :D , he is coming along great is a quiet boy and just loves attention , kisses and hugs.. Toilet training is improving going outside sometimes ,, follows Effy ! My daughter thinks he looks like a lamb :? so she calls him chops :lol: .
    Kingston with the pink blankie.JPG


    Well Kingston is such a cutie not as robust as his sis :oops: , but joins in with the play time but when it gets a little rough comes running over to hide behind someone,, like his sister not much minding in him . loves being outside playing with his favourite ball but is always the first to go for a snooze ,, :D .
    Kingston sitting beside sarah ,,.JPG


    real ladies man :D


    Isn’t it gas how the males in the litter are so much smaller than the females! :o Our Kai sounds very like Kingston but probably a bit cheekier going by your post!! :lol:


    Kingston also got his jab and microchip done , just a little whimper from him :oops: , thought he might he is a bit more sensitive than his sis.. He is just sooo cute and cuddly loves sitting beside you and getting lots of attention ( don’t we all ) . He is all ready for his forever family now :( . ( sorry no photos lent my camera to my son ).


    Well we got Kingston home this morning after picking up Lucky.
    Both boys are getting on great. A great big thank you to all the people who have looked after Kingston before he got to us especially Sandra and her family. I can see them both out the back garden now running around in circles having a great play, Kingston is well able to stick up for himself I think he will be the boss. Jack (11) said "they say money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a dog" – We feel like we won the Lotto. I can hear the parade on the TV in the background and it appears the theme is the black dog – how apt. THANK YOU ALL AT DID.

    DID Rescue

    Delighted to hear all is going well but please please keep us posted on the boys.

    All we need is a few photos from time to time and an update.
    It’s so important to us and it makes our day ;)
    Best of luck with your two new boys I am sure you will all have a great time once things settle down and get into a routine.


    Kingston (now Luca) is doing fantastic. Thanks to Sandra and family for great headstart on the training. He saw his first horse on Howth Head yesterday, didn’t even blink which was something considering the size difference. Both boys getting on great, they sleep soundly in the crate at night but during the day if Kingston gets there first he will spread himself out so Lucky then gets in small bed which is hilarious. Boy does he like that food, I have an old fashioned weighing scales and when I put anything in it the sound is like his food bowl and he is over like a shot. Will post photos soon.


    Aw thanks for the up date , the name is very nice :D , glad to hear he and his big brother are getting on sooo well ! knew he would be very happy with you and your boys ;) .


    The photos….


    Fab just fab.

    DID Rescue

    That first photo really warrants a caption :)
    Great to see you have adopted Gardners/Eco friendly warriors :D
    They look so funny together a real little and large combo for the moment anyway.
    Lucky you better watch out that little black bro is going to grow :D


    Will post all Luca (kingston) updates under Lucky from now on.

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