Joey – Golden Lab x Puppy

Joey – Golden Lab x Puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Joey – Golden Lab x Puppy

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    Poor Joey is a scared puppy, he doesn’t know what’s afer happening. He is only approx 4 months old.


    is there anything i can do to help? im pretty good with labs


    If you are in a positon to foster Joey you will find the "Fostering Form" in the "Contact us" section. Joey looks so worried – poor little chap.


    had Joey out for a walk today and just wanted to take him home, he was a really sweet guy, loved his walks and his cuddles. really does not deserve to be in the pound. He is like a golden lab maybe crossed with a greyhound, not as bulky as a lab. Gorgeous guy that needs a loving forever home.


    hi animal helper, i currently have nellie (patterdale terrior) and also my own lab. i think kay was saying nellie would be off to a forever home i the v. near future. if thats the case, i most certainly have room for wee joey! he will just have a great time with my lab ret. he is ok with kids?


    Hi Trisha

    I’m nearly sure this fella will be going into foster tomorrow, but thanks a mill for your offer! ;)


    Well, Joey has finally decided that he’s tired enough to stop playing with Coby, and to lie down and relax!

    I’ll post some photos of the two of them over the next few days.

    He really is a lovely little dog.


    Well, Joey has been with us since Wednesday, and he’s made himself completely at home. He spends all day playing with our Laby Coby, they have great fun playing tug-of-war together.

    He’s now fast asleep beside me on the sofa.

    We’re bringing him down to Dublin tomorrow to meet up with some friends and their dogs to go scootering and bikejoring. Basically, having fun for a few hours. There will be some other young dogs there for Joey to meet and play with.

    Here are a few photos taken over the last few days…

    Okay, that didn’t work!


    Hopefully good news for the future for this little fellow, but could someone say whether or not he is close to being rehomed as he has been given a reserved comment on the main website…… :D :D


    Joey is staying where he is!

    After watching the interaction between Himself and Coby, we decided to adopt him.

    We have a wonderful photo of him sitting on top of Coby, while Coby was trying to sleep. They’ve become inseperable over a short period of time.

    He’s a great little dog, who has settled in brilliantly, and is picking things up very quickly.



    When I told you about this little fella needing fostering, I didn’t mean for you to become failed fosterers at your first attempt :lol:

    He really couldn’t wish for a better home, I’m delighted for him, and can’t wait to meet him.

    And as you seem to be so bad at adding photos, here it is :D


    Thanks for posting the photo for me!

    Look at what he’s doing to poor Coby!!!

    He’s already tried a little bit of bikejoring too!


    Thought I’d share a few photos of Joey with you. Here he is having some fun with Coby and a frisbee…


    They are so alike its scary!!! What a beautiful duo !!!


    Joey and Coby have become inseperable…..literally!

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