Inka GSD X

Inka GSD X

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Inka GSD X

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    Im sure some of you remember the lovely Inka i took from the pound and fostered for a while and then she got a lovely home in the UK through BIGGSD well i have just recieved an updaye on her….

    Hi catherine
    I don’t know about hugs (she gets loads of them) she needs a brain first, I think she would be absolutly brill at agility but first she needs to calm down and listen.
    At the moment we all still live in Inkaworld, (wotsthat,wotsthat,wotsthat ) I’ve taken her to training classes, forget it, she knows it all, but she’d rather eat the horse cr*p from the previous lesson, or introduce herself to anything that moves (dogs, people, sluggs, beetles, anything that moves) or lie on the floor and sulk when I won’t let her play fight with her best mate (my daughter in laws 15mnth old husky).
    I keep saying "it’s just her age" (reminds me of my mom and my kids ) I am seriously thinking of suing Ron for "emotional distress", only joking we love her to bits but she has put paid to my fostering for a while (having said that I’ve had 3 "special" cases since she became part of our family).
    By the way her name just gets longer and longer itss now "Inkastinkabograthooligan" after she ran full force into my knee (while chasing my beautifull calm Sabrebabe ) and put me off my feet for 3 weeks.
    Having said all that We wouldn’t be without her and have to thank everyone (i think ) for bringing her in to our lives.
    Take care
    Love Fran


    Sorry ment to post this one first… this was when Inka first arrived in her new home..

    Inka is settling in well. She had an upset tummy for a couple of days, probably due to all the traveling and a change of diet, this led to a few "accidents" leading Andy to christen her "Stinka" .
    She dives in to her food as if she starving and she does need feeding up, now her tummy has cleared up I’ll freefeed her until she has put some weight on. She is also a "counter surfer" and has managed to steal 2 complete crusty loaves and a jug of fat I’d left to cool after cleaning out the frying pan. I’ll have to remember to put things out of her reach until we can stop this habit. She really is a little sweetheart and follows Sabre everywhere. When we are out on our walks I let her run free (with her long lead on so I can grab it if neccesary) and she never strays far away and so far comes back as soon as I call her. My grandaughters are staying this week and the dogs have loved playing hide and seek with them. Even Nikki has decided maybe she won’t eat her after all.

    Inka’s been counter surfing again, I realy thought I had put everything away that could possibly interest her . I went to visit my Dad for a few hours this afternoon and came back to find she had destroyed or eaten the following:
    2 bottles of pantene shampoo/conditioner (nicely spread around the kitchen)
    1 punnet of plums
    1/2 a loaf (out of the breadbin)
    contents of the butter dish
    1 new halti
    1 pkt ziplock bags
    1 pkt pea seeds
    few carrier bags
    various letters/magazines
    needless to say my kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it but that didn’t stop Inka rushing to meet me with big sloppy kisses and a big waggy tail while Sabre and nikki lay on their bed looking very sheepish as if to say it wasn’t us mom . (even thoughI had told Sabre to keep an eye on her)
    and her reward for this atrocious behaviour?, after a few choice words from me

    A big juicy bone for her tea and a dog walk tommorow


    Wow – Inka the Tinka by the sounds of it but sounds like she is having lots of fun. I remember her well. Just love the pic of her in the kitchen with the others!! Think the surfing and stealing food off the worktops is something she will grow out of as my GSD who is 3 now used to do it but has stopped now!! He still sometimes takes the odd thing of mine and puts it in his bed though.

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