Gypsy – ref 255 – 1y old ..Collie X – HOMED

Gypsy – ref 255 – 1y old ..Collie X – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gypsy – ref 255 – 1y old ..Collie X – HOMED

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    This little lady is in foster with Sarah who will update soon ;)


    I just visited this gorgeous little girl and met her fantastic foster Mam Sarah and her family. This poor little girl just arrived to Sarah today and is very scared and looks so sad :-( However, this girls luck had just changed as her foster Mammy is going to be giving her plenty of tlc and her fab two foster sisters (one a DID doggy) are gonna teach her that the world isn’t as scarey as she thinks! So sad to see this poor girl so frightened but sooo great to see her in a loving foster home. Thanks so much to Sarah and family :-) Looking forward to the updates!!! I’ve a feeling she’ll be a different dog in a week or two ;-)


    I transported Gypsy from the pound to her foster family. Poor Gypsy wouldn’t even stand up she was so scared. The lovely girl in the pound had to carry her into my car. :(

    By the time we got from Dunboyne to Dublin city, Gypsy had sat up in the car and was enjoying the breeze from the open windows blowing her lovely floppy ears. :D

    However, then she had to get out of the car and she froze again. She has landed on her 4 paws with her foster family as Sarah and her hubby were both in the park waiting for Gypsy to arrive. After much encouragement, Gypsy finally went for a walk in the park with Sarah’s hubby. I left at that stage………but last night Sarah sent me a lovely photo of Gypsy standing up :D in the garden with her foster doggie friend. I think Gypsy is gonna be ok. :D :D :D :D


    Looking forward to hearing more about poor, scared little Gypsy :) .


    Hi All, at last an update on this little girl. I’m calling her Suzie as she reminds me so much of a Border Collie I had for 15yrs. Despite the poor condition she was in, I immediately fell in love with her sweet gentle nature and after four days she is like a new dog. It was heartbreaking to see her so scared and so thin. My own two dogs, Heidi (DID) and Nina look like giants beside her. I also have two 10yr old cats who are nearly the same size as Suzie. I think she is just amazed to be getting some TLC, maybe for the first time in her little life.
    I tried her in a crate the first night but that didn’t work out (too scary), she prefers to sleep on her own bed in the kitchen with her four BIG sisters. Slowly but surely she has improved every day, she is eating better, sleeps all night, does her ‘business’ outside and is even tolerating the two cats. I’ve taken her for a few ‘little’ walks as she is still getting used to a lead. She is so alert and quick to learn, she is sitting now for a treat and comes to me when called. I hope to post some photos soon. Suzie & Nina are asleep at my feet now, Heidi is asleep beside me on the couch :lol: .


    Just want to say a BIG Thank You to Yvonne and Niamh who helped Suzie in such a BIG way :P


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    :o Two 10 year old cats that are almost the same size as you??? I have no doubt whatsoever that your foster person is telling us the truth but you are either tiny diddly or you are sharing your foster home with 2 lions or tigers :? How nice to see you looking a lot more relaxed. Now that I have lost Misty from my list please take up your place. Very much looking forward to following you ;)


    Thanks to Sarah for bringing (Gypsy) Suzy over to us last night. :D She was extremely nervous at the start but after a few hours began to feel more comfortable and actually played with Charlie for a while. :D :D
    She had quite a restless night wandering from one bed to another so hopefully tonight after a long walk today she will be able to settle better.
    She has a great appetite and seems to have put on some weight already thanks to Sarah. This poor girl has quite a way to go in building confidence around dogs, humans and new environments but I’m sure being a Collie she will make a fast recovery and catch up on everything she has lost out on in the past.

    Pictures to follow


    Just 1 day after suzy’s arrival to me she got the kennel cough Grrr….. but she is almost better now :D :D
    This poor girl must have had a terrible past life. She is so insecure, is lacking confidence and her coping abilities are very limited. She is afraid of everything and especially the collar and lead. When She see’s it she runs away. The car has also been a scary experience for her the last few days but she did make some progress today. :D :D
    Now for some good news! She is learning the recall and is doing exceptionally well. Today she was off leash in the park and instead of walking with her head down and tail tucked she began to charge around the place with Charlie. I wasn’t expecting this so soon but was really happy just to see a smile on her face and to see how she was really enjoying herself. :D :D She gets on really well with dogs but around humans, even me she is still a little unsure how to interact. (sometimes some of the things she does are very amusing) :D Overall Suzy is a quiet and very well behaved little girl and I’m sure she will be a fabulous companion for someone.


    I have it in my tiny mind that you are not much bigger than a large cat but you are a bit of a leggy girlie. You look like you are having the best time out and about with your doggy mates. It is so nice to see the start of your recovery. Every journey starts with the first step and you appear to be stepping out pretty well ;)


    :? :? :? I have to wonder whether you and Cassie (Too) are sisters?


    This little girl got really lucky and found her new home on the same evening that she arrived to me. :D :D All she had to do was just look a little timid. :lol: I didn’t get a lot of time with her and she is still quite nervous of some things but I know eventually that this little sweetheart is going to make a wonderful companion for her new dad.
    Suzy is now already in her new home. :D I spoke to her new dad this evening and was really happy to hear that she is settling in well. :D :D
    I’m sure we will see them both soon in the future as they only live a short distance away. We wish suzy and her new dad a wonderful future together.

    Fiona, Jenny, chris with Mitzi, Mozart and Charlie


    I met Suzy yesterday with her auntie and all I can say is, she looks just fantastic. She looks like a different dog. She has so much more hair now and has filled out really nicely. It looks like she couldn’t have picked a better home. It was so nice to see how concerned all the family were and how they want to help her over her bad past history. :D :D :D :D
    Yippee…… Another Happy ending.


    Great news! Delighted to hear that she is starting to respond to all the care she is getting. She was one of the saddest dogs I have yet collected from the pound…… :cry:

    She deserved to be adopted so quickly, so she won’t have to change address again. It’s great that there are people out there willing to put the time and love into making this little girl enjoy life (I won’t say ‘again’ as I think she might never have enjoyed life before).
    Well done and I hope you have many happy times with Suzy. :D

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