Gabby – 9mt old Yorkie X*HOMED*

Gabby – 9mt old Yorkie X*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gabby – 9mt old Yorkie X*HOMED*

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    This tiny little girl was bred from already :x ..she is very gentle and will need a home with another dog & older children.

    She is gone into foster with Grainne, who will update soon ;)

    If you would like to rescue this dog please go to the "rescue a dog" section in the tabs at the top of this page or click here [url:2wcjvg48][/url:2wcjvg48]
    There you will find all the information on the rescue procedure and the adoption application to be downloaded.


    :twisted: Honestly, had a litter of pups – it defies belief ! She is only a puppy herself :( At least she will get a good home now and no more puppies.


    What a difference foster families and other dogs make…thanks a million to Cathy Davey for dropping this baby to me and to Grainne for collecting her at a moments notice


    This little girl is doing great and enjoying her 2 canine foster brothers :D


    From Gabbys foster mum :D

    She’s the sweetest little dog and we are best friends already. Was really petrified for first couple of days, but is settling in well and becoming more confident all the time. She hates to be alone and would need a home where there is another dog and someone home most of the time.

    She’s really affectionate and lots of fun to play with. Someone is going to be very lucky to have her.


    hopefully gabby wont be too long waiting for her new home…


    :D What have you been up to Gabby? So, so sweet 8-)


    This little girl continues to do well and is waiting for her forever family :D


    Happy Ever After :D :D


    :D :D :D
    Poppy 12.jpg


    8-) 8-)
    photo 22.jpg


    Posted on behalf of Olive;

    Gabby, now renamed Poppy, has settled really well into our home. She is an absolutely delightful little dog. She is full of life, great fun and a day doesn’t go by without her making us laugh. She inherited a big toy box from our little terrier Sophie who died in January and she has been having a lot of fun deciding which toys are her favourites. She particularly likes Mr Fox (a furry toy with no stuffing at this stage) and a soft rubber elephant toy that squeaks when she chews it. She loves her walks and goes on the beach or the sand dunes every day and she is like the Duracell bunny, she runs and runs. She has a big sister here called Molly, who is 16 and they are getting on very well together. They both have nice comfy beanbags at the patio window and like nothing better than basking in the sun. Poppy is very tiny and if she really wants your attention she stands up on her back legs and "dances" which totally cracks us up. We took her on holidays recently and I put my holdall on the floor beside her bed. When bedtime came I told her to go to bed and was most amused to see she had put herself to bed in the holdall ! We are so pleased to have her. We are grateful to Grainne for fostering her so brilliantly and grateful to Poppy for helping to heal the sadness of losing little Sophie.


    :D :D


    Lilly (formerly Cali) has been with us for a month now and is getting on very well with our other two dogs. Molly, our 17 year old, mainly ignores her but doesn’t object to her snuggling up beside her while Lilly and Poppy, our delightful 2-year old DID dog – are having a great time chasing each other up and down the stairs and getting on opposite ends of a tug toy. Lilly is the most sweet natured little dog. She is six months old now and into everything. No sock is safe with Lilly around. She is also fascinated by water and likes to paddle her paw in the water bowl and watch the ripples. Yesterday I found her with three paws IN the water bowl! Needless to say she keeps tipping the bowl over with her antics so the giant kitchen roll from Aldi has come in very handy! We are really thrilled with Lilly and herself and Poppy are just like the terrible twins. They are walking very well on the lead together and Lilly is beginning to "get" her sits and stays. She loves the beach, and particularly likes paddling and playing with the waves. Poppy, by contrast, doesn’t like the water and will stay well back from the waves. Attached is a pic of Poppy making sure she doesn’t get her feet wet by watching the water from the top of the rocks! Also attached in the trio on St Patrick’s Day and no, the pic is no photoshopped. We managed to get them all looking at the camera with a lot of bribery. You will note they’re all looking at something – me hiding up a treat! We are indebted to Susan for fostering Lilly and giving her such a great start with all of her gorgeous doggies
    ahoy big wave comingPG.JPG
    Tricolour pups.JPG


    Lily joined our other DID dog, Poppy (formerly Gabby) in February and not a day has gone by since that she hasn’t made us laugh. She is the most happy go lucky little dog and when she is not chewing the undies or the socks or people’s jeans, she is the best little girl around. She is obsessed by water and the best way to keep her quiet is to fill a basin with some water and let her paddle to her heart’s content. She will spend an hour at a time patting the water with her paw and then chasing the ripples around the basin before climbing in and hooshing the water out! Herself and Poppy get on very well and there is a lot of wrestling and chasing round the house and garden. We have a big doggy toy box and Lily has adopted the Mr Penguin squeaky toy as her favourite. Poppy’s favourite is Mr Pig which is good as it means there is no row over toys. We lost our beautiful big rescue dog, Molly, five weeks ago at the age of 17. Having Lily and Poppy has been a great comfort, especially Lily as she carries on doing puppy things which always make us smile.

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