Freddie – 6 wk old terrier x puppy

Freddie – 6 wk old terrier x puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Freddie – 6 wk old terrier x puppy

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    Freddie is adorable, very outgoing and full of fun :lol:
    He is 10 wks old and will be small to medium when fully grown. He will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6 mts. old.


    Is Freddie one of Foxy’s pups? Such a dote!


    Hi Freddie is another one of our fosters (foxys pups) he is a great fun and he loves to be trying new things !! he loves to go up the stairs and once he is up there he cant come down so he wines like a baby :lol: ( its very funny) so i have to put up a stairs guard, freddie is a loving, friendly pup and we love having him in our home :D


    i was minding freddie and the family today and dont tell flint but i am in love with this guy :lol:
    freddie is very people orientated,he looooooooooooves to be beside you and loves kids. he is a happy go lucky kind of guy.
    he is very different to flint and effie.he is a totaly different colour and has longer legs,but i still think he will be small/medium size.


    freddie and his brother and sister got their jabs yesterday , thanks to kathy and kim so today i brought them out for their first walk :o " or should i say drag " 3 pups great fun they didnt want to leave the porch and kept eating each others leads (note to self bring out one a time). freddie loved it and wanted to run around the green.


    Brought freddie out for his walk ( drag) he sniffed everything and i mean everything , still a bit unsure about traffic but he loved to meet new people everyone kept stopping to look at him . he is great with kids and loves to play as you can see from the picture of him with my niece (alanna) who is 2 . His brother flint has found his forever home and will be leaving soon and i know Freddies are out there somewhere!!


    Great news , a family came up today to meet Freddy and they loved him :D they are going to adopt him and will be collecting him during the week. that’s all of foxys pups re homed !! don’t you love happy endings..


    Well Freddie went to his new home yesterday :( but i know he is going to be happy, poor effy (Fifi) was walking around the house whimpering i think she was looking for him. OW GOD last night i got about 4 hours sleep poor effy howled from 12:30 till about 4 kept going down to her , finally to the joy of myself and my poor neighbours she fell asleep :shock:.I’m getting flashbacks to when the kids were babies!!! lets hope tonight is a bit better for her :cry: it breaks my heart to see her so sad " my little angel".


    hi Sandra,
    Hope effe has settled for you. Freddie was alone last night for first time(Danny slept down stairs for first 3 nights!), he cried for about an hour , then we came down and put the light on for him and he went off to sleep like a baby! Hes settled in fine and we love having him , its like he’s always been here :D My boys have him so tired though, had to bring them out for a walk yesterday to give freddie a chance to sleep :lol: heres a few photos and ill keep you updated…


    Hi posted reply , now it disappeared" Hi he looks great and happy , i knew the boys would love him all the kids here on my road loved Freddie, you should try the trick with the hot water bottle it worked for Effy she slept like a baby ! they just miss the company and warmth. Effy is really happy now , i have 3 pups in the house her new friends :P Thank you for posting up dates its lovely to see how he is doing, give him a big kiss and cuddle for me THANKS
    3 pups and one sock.JPG

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