Calvin – terrier X puppy *HOMED*

Calvin – terrier X puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Calvin – terrier X puppy *HOMED*

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    My name is Calvin. I am about 12 weeks old and I am in foster care with my little sister Coco. I am really cute and sweet. I am looking for my forever home. I will be wormed, microchipped and have at least my first vaccination before I am homed. I must be neutered at 6 months old.


    Well Calvin has been with us since Saturday and he is a really sweet natured pup – loves to play and cuddle in equal measure. He chooses the canines for play and any available human for cuddles. If his sister, Coco, is a girly girl, this guy is a real man’s man and loves to hang out with (and out of!!!) his male foster siblings, Sam and Casper. It is great fun to watch him play with them because at full stretch, he doesn’t even reach the shoulder of either of them. However they are taking their mentoring role very seriously and are very gentle in their play. Calvin is doing really well on the toilet training and he goes every time I bring him out so the penny has definitely dropped with him. Will post more pics asap.


    Just an update on this little man. Calvin is really coming into his own and is developing a fab personality. He is a character of the work hard, play hard, eat hard, sleep hard school – with very little "work" I might add! He is a great little fella who keeps us entertained all the time. He has done amazingly well on the toilet training – goes out all the time now. He has a great appetite and loves to grab hold of things – socks, shoes, trousers, cushions. He will make a fantastic pet for some lucky family.


    Tug of War with Mollie and Casper.


    and another one – just for good measure. And because I am SO photogenic!


    Oh Im delighted he is doing well with you and all your clann Susan both the two and four legged members. He is learning from the best bunch!


    Just an update on this little man. He is doing fantastically well and has developed a REAL personality of his own – leave it to the terriers!!! He was very traumatised last week when his little sister Coco went to her forever home – he missed her terribly – but he is coping much better now. The arrival of little Vicky on Friday gave him somebody else to boss around and they get on like a house on fire now. He is just about toilet trained and he has a great understanding of the word "NO" cos like his brother Casper he is a chewer! He will make a fabulous pet for whichever family is lucky enough to get him. A little gem!


    Here I am with my new foster sister, Vicky. She may be bigger, but I am the BOSS!!!


    Calvin is such a cutey!!!, I would be very interested in adopting Calvin (and my family). I have a little boy aged 3 1/2 and a grown up son. Would he be suitable around a child that young? I have already sent in my adoption form and a person from your organisation is calling out on Tuesday to do our home visist.


    Hi there,
    Calvin loves everyone so, although he isn’t around young children here, I would be amazed if he didn’t love your 3 and a half year old to pieces! He is a really sweet dog but with the lovely feistiness of the terriers. Best of luck on the home visit. And I will hear in due course, I am sure.



    "Here I am minding my new little sister, Dani. When she arrived, she was missing her mum and siblings so I am looking after her."


    "My big brother Sam wouldn’t let me out with dirty ears. You can see Casper and Vicky waiting for their turn too!!"


    Sam is a very sensible chap, Calvin – I reckon your ears must be squeaky clean now! :D


    Hi all!!

    calvin has moved foster homes due to little puppys needing extra care!So now i have him in my house with my massive bloodhound who loves him to pieces. Calvin has taken over the house and now owns everything even maisie(my dogs) bed!! he truly is the boss!!Just posting some photos of him on his first day in his new garden! he loves running around it stealing maisies tennis balls and posing for the camera!


    Hi All!

    Calvin has moved foster homes and is now living with me and my massive bloodhound as some tiny pups needed special attention! He is still the boss and tells maisie my dog exactly what to do! He loves running laps around her in the garden and stealing her tennis balls! He is truly the man of the house now and LOVES posing for photos!

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