Alf – Terrier X 7 wks old *HOMED*

Alf – Terrier X 7 wks old *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Alf – Terrier X 7 wks old *HOMED*

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    This little man will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6mts old.

    Alf here pleased to make your aquaintance….I am the quiet gentleman of the pack ….some of my brothers are just so unruly that its of slight embaressement…I do have an idential sibling and he goes by the name of Abu(for reasons that will become apparent when you meet him). I like to read the newspapers that my foster mum puts down for me and when I don’t agree with the reporter of the article I do what any rightminded puppy would do …….Shred it…see I am more refined that my brothers as most of them don’t they take the time to read it they just urinate on it ….I suppose thats what I think of the tabloids give me a broadsheet any day!

    I even put up my own post

    Ah Sunday Papers!

    2010-08 The A-Team Episode 1 005.JPG
    2010-08 The A-Team Episode 1 003.JPG


    My, what a clever pup you are! :)


    Good Morning one and all….I trust everyone slept as well as I did a very sound slumber was had by my siblings and I. We had an eventful day yesterday …a steady stream of visitors which was delightful a bit tiring though. Our foster mum is very generous with her cuddle time and makes sure we all get the same lenght of one to one time on her lap. Rossi and Tess are very careful they make sure not to stand on us and when my siblings loose the run of themselves they step in to settle things back down.

    Thats is me making a thank you call to Auntie Kathy which without whom we would not have the bright future that is ahead of us!

    See Rossi and Tess take their big sibling role very seriously

    2010-08 The A-Team Episode 1 004.JPG
    Big Bro and Big Sis stick close.JPG


    We assumed something was afoot yesterday evening as our foster mum kept kissing a little longer and cuddling us a little tighter…and this morning the shock annoucement desended upon us that we are moving onto our permanent foster family….I have to report that we were all sadden by this but she has promised us that our new home is a new chapter in which we should look forward to! She had one to one chats with us all about what we want out of the future …..we decided that I should become the journalist of the family as i rarely have my teeth off of the newspaper or my head out of a book(ok so it might be the argos catalougue but we all have to start somewhere)

    This will be my editorial headshot….serious but soft….with the tagline…. Alf Terrier sniffs out the real truth!

    But I do have a fun side too……here are some of us tormenting Tess!

    2010-08 The A-Team Episode 2 011.JPG
    2010-08 The A-Team Episode 2 012.JPG


    Alf is definitely the quieter of the bunch , he loves his sleep and is always the first in for his nap !! no sign of the paper shredding so far ,, ;) but its early days . Aw he just walked out now to do his business ,, poor thing plopped down beside my feet now this fella is adorable . but as you can tell from the picture he loves to try new things like the game " no i swear i was not eating the plant :P "


    Alf is doing really good with toilet training and like the rest of his family he loves to play with the kids and getting cuddles :) . He is a very gentle guy once you give him cuddles he would fall asleep on you and stay there forever , he is very affectionate and fluffy ..
    sarah and alf.JPG


    Well good evening to you Alf …I trust you are in bed by now …did you tire yourself out trying to catch Effy’s tail…..I can see you are getting all grown up and I will be over to see you soon.


    Alf too is ready for his forever home he was chipped and vaccinated yesterday ,, poor babies they all had a little whimper after but thanks to the puppy minder " Nicole" they all made a great recovery ,, well except for poor Kim’s t shirt that didn’t do too well :lol: . Alf is really coming out of himself he loves to play and he too has discovered he can bark :lol: ( well its a little girlie one ) But he still loves his snoozes and no one or sound will wake him till he is ready , :P .. This fluffy , chunky boy would make and family happy .
    Alf sleeping in his favourite spot,.JPG


    Well had a surprise this morning Alf was up with Abu waiting at the door for me to come in ,, :o . He normally is in the bed waiting even now himself and his sis are the first ones up after their morning nap (2 hours) power nap,, maybe he is tired of sleeping and missing out on all the fun. Now its his turn to wake up everyone by biting their ears or sitting on top off them just like they do to him when he is asleep :roll: ..
    Alf beside the chewing block,,.JPG



    Alf is a beautiful looking guy. Does he still need a home?


    Hi! Yes Alf is still looking for his forever family , I’m fostering him and his brothers and sis,, if you fill out the adoption form , a member of the Admin team will be in contact to arrange a Home visit!


    Went out and bought the pups new collars " searched everywhere but they were all to "big" so i got them CAT collars :oops: they fit perfect don’t think they noticed . Alf looks sooo cool in his red one as you can see from the picture i had to take the bell off as they could swallow them , ..
    Im finished my dinner can i get out now !.JPG


    Well my little journalist pup….I hope you are keeping up to date with the movement on the forum….I will be up to give you extra cuddles when your two brothers and sis head off to happiness this weekend. You probably will have your head stuck in the newpaper or shredding it as usual but might see you on Sunday at the fun day!


    Hi, I just filled out an adoption request for Alf and I hope to hear back soon!!! Fingers crossed :D


    Well i only have 3 pups left now 2 have found their forever families :D . Its great in a way i get to spend more time with this chunky guy , now his brother is gone ,, he has decided to be the spokes puppy for feeding time . Not as loud as his bro but I’m not complaining . effy loves to play with Alf all the time they seem to get on great ( little boyfriend ) . Brought him out for his walk was a bit unsure at first but now he is fine once effy is with him !! As you can tell from the photo he is grand with kids my 3 year old niece loves him and is forever hugging him.
    Please let me go !.JPG

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