News of Beano

News of Beano

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    Ok wat can i say about this little angel, hes completly deaf not that he knows it, he is a sweet little cuddle monster!

    like ouch, is that not just the most adorable face ever!! I think he may be a dalmation cross cause he has little black spots cominup on his ears.


    Forgot to mention this clever little fella is housetrained..


    This guy is amazing, i have been usin a hand signal for sit just today an i swear he got the hang of it in like 5 goes, hes incredibly clever so he is, my angel :D :D


    Can anybody take his little fella, al he wants is another dog to play with an my brat wont go near him!!


    Spoke to Beanos new foster family earlier and he is getting on great! They love him :D He is getting loads of exercise chasing their cat :lol: Will get pics over the weekend


    thats just fantastic, im delighted hes gettin on ok he is a very special baby.


    From Dogluvers

    Well the love Frosty has come to lodge in my mad house…. He is the sweetest little fellow i have ever meet and my heart just goes out to him (let hope i dont fall in love) Well he has meet the gang and not a bother to him in the slighest Cinders is a little big to play with him but once there watched till they get used to eachother they’ll be just fine…… will update some pic’s later of him having the time of his life!!!!


    well this happy chappy is a bundle of laugh’s he is such a happy little boy.. He had a lovely bath last night and was as good as gold just sat there enjoying the pampering.. he slept all night in a bed with Cinders and never a hear outta him all night till 8am this morning…. He never even had a an accident!!! :) So clever!! will upload pic’s this evening of him with his big girlfriend..


    Come on guys, im dyin to see pics of beano an his girlfriend!!


    sorry computer is a bit tempermental last few days


    Ah god would ya look at the pair of them. Fair play to yiz for takin him, he is a brillliant beautiful puppy who wasnt gettin any help bein here with little spoiled fecker i have!!


    well im just home from dropping the lovely frosty to him forever home this evening and he has landed on his feet in a lovely home.. The best of look darling wish you all the happyness in the world and hope you have a wonderful life… will miss you terrible..
    Begood lots of love all the doggies and dogluvers!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


    Well i’ll be damed……………….
    some updated pic’s i have just recieved from his from forever family.

    Do you remember the little deaf guy called "Beano" ? I am sure you do.

    Well I wanted to share with you the last pictures I took of him as he physically changed a lot since the last time he was welcomed in to our house! He is becoming a tall guy (we guess he has some dogo breed) full of love for his owners.

    He is really gorgeous and we are very proud of him as he learnt a lot of signs since we had him: sometimes we completely forget that he is deaf.

    He will be neutered soon.


    Look at him! What a stunning dog!! I’m delighted everything turned out so well for him!! :D Thanks to all fosterers and everyone involved in getting him this fantastic home where he is obviously treated like a king, like it should be! ;)


    Oh wow he is stunning!! So glad he is gettin the love an attention he deserves, he really was a darling of a puppy.

    Well done beano, best of luck forever.

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