Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED*

Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED*

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    This little lady is gone into foster with Fiona, thanks a million…also thanks to Gavin for doing transport ;)


    Alice arrived safely thanks to Gavin and is now beginning a new phase of her life :D
    She was very matted and dirty when she arrived so last night she had a lovely big bath which she seemed to enjoy a lot. After that it was a task of 3 – 4 hours brushing and cutting all the unwanted hair out. She was so good and seemed to enjoy being pampered. Now she smells and looks like a perfect pooch. :D :D
    She slept very well through her first night but it’s plain to see that she is a little unsure and worried.(she reminds me of a sad little lost soul that doesn’t know where she belongs at the moment) :(
    She’s not scared and seems to have plenty of confidence with humans and dogs but certainly needs training in some areas which we have already started.
    She is a very affectionate little girl and knows exactly how to get a belly rub. She throws herself on her back and looks at you so that you can’t resist rubbing her belly. :lol:


    Well Alice, great to hear you are settling into foster life and what lovely photos of a pampered pooch! You were certainly very excited leaving the pound and fascinated at all the views out of the car windows! You even managed time for a shoulder cuddle along the way. ;) Looking forward to hearing how you are getting on….sounds as though you have your lovely foster family under your paw already! :)


    Alice has settled really well now and is getting on great with both of my dogs. :D
    Alice is a very pretty, affectionate and quiet little girl…..just loves to cuddle up beside you at night time and go to sleep. The only time she gets excited is when she sees the collar and leash and just loves going on her daily walks. She travels really well in the car and is now jumping in all by herself. :D
    I’m quite sure Alice was in a home before she landed in the pound because she is very well behaved, not afraid of any strange sounds, doesn’t react when the door bell rings and seems quite comfortable in an indoor environment.
    She has plenty of confidence but you can tell that she has been neglected and has never had a true bond with a human. She has no interest in playing with toys and even got a little nervous of a squeaking ball. She never asks for anything and just does her own little thing which isn’t very much and is very sad to see. The only thing she showed any interest in up to now is a filled kong so I hope her interest will awaken soon and she will begin to play with other dogs and toys. :D :D


    Alice’s life is just getting better and better especially now that she can go for her walks off the leash. :D :D
    The difference this has made to her is just amazing, she enjoys herself so much now running around with Mitzi and Mozart (which is a lot) that she just collapses and sleeps as soon as we got home. :D To see Alice smile like she has done the past few days just shows how important it is to teach a dog a simple recall. Every so often Alice comes running back to me without being asked, just checks in and runs off to the others again which is absolutely adorable. :D :D
    Overall Alice is an absolute sweetheart and I’m a 100% sure she is going to make somebody very very happy.


    Here’s another few pics of Alice :D :D


    Met the adorable Alice this evening in Lord Masseys Forrest. She was great around our pack of seven and even our very own Velvet went nose to nose and was friendly which is a great compliment from Velvet as she’s a fusspot when it comes to making fur friends.
    Alice is a little sweetheart and we all wish her a fast find for her forever family.


    Poor little Alice was at the vets today being neutered and has done nothing but sleep since she got home. She also seems quite depressed and refuses to eat. She wouldn’t even look at the cheddar cheese treat I offered her.:cry:

    Lets hope that she will be feeling a bit better soon. :D :D

    I think she might also be a little upset because she couldn’t go for a walk today. Alice is always a very quiet little girl but when I pick the leash up she gets so excited. For the past few weeks she has been just loving her daily outings. She reminds me of a puppy that is only beginning to explore the world and of course finding it very very interesting.

    Here’s a few pictures of the past few days


    Hope little Alice is feeling better today, poor little mite, ladies I feel are in need of extra TLC when they have their ‘ops’ My last yorkie girl took to her bed for a week when she was done and absolutely refused to even go outside the door for a wee and as for a walk that was out of the question. She really made the most of it so i hope Alice will soon be back to her dear self. :)


    Yes, poor Alice is really finding it hard at the moment not to be a couch potato. I took her for a little walk today and she did perk up a little but when we got home she was straight back on the couch and hasn’t moved since. She is receiving a 5 star treatment at the moment and is enjoying every minute of it :D :D She eats and drinks on the couch, has yummy treats and a lap to lie on all day long. :D :D


    I would hope that Alice will be back to her wonderful self the other side of the weekend … Fingers and Paws crossed


    Hope the energy levels are returning Alice? Sounds as though you are convalescing well and all you are missing is a bell to ring for attention! :D


    Reserved, yay! I didn’t think that would take long…delighted for you Alice. :D


    Alice has gone to her forever home and we miss her a lot. :cry: :cry: She was such a pleasure to have around. She now has 2 great new mum’s and I’m pretty sure she’s going to be spoilt rotten which is great. :D :D
    We all wish you a happy happy new life and hope you get all the attention you deserve.

    Fiona, Jenny and Chris with Mozart and Mitzi :D :D

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