Belle – 7mt old Sprollie Puppy*HOMED*

Belle – 7mt old Sprollie Puppy*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Belle – 7mt old Sprollie Puppy*HOMED*

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    This little girl is gone into foster with Anne who will update soon ;)


    This little girl is only with Anne a few hours and is having great fun and settling in well :D


    Bella is a beautiful dog with a fantastic temperament. She played with the children the whole afternoon and is now sleeping in front of the fire. She is very intelligent and tells us when she needs to go " to the toilet". She is a dream and hasn’t stopped wagging her tail since she came earlier today :D


    Bella is doing marvelous with us and she is such a sweet little teenager. Still quite "puppyish" and play nibbles when she gets a bit exited but we are working to get her out of this now and is also teaching her basic commands like "sit" and "down" and it is not difficult since she is so eager to please. Bella is also great with other dogs in the park and just wants to play with them all.
    We All love her and have nothing but praise for this lovely little lady!


    Our foster girl Bella is really starting to settle in and show her personality now. No slippers or shoes are safe anymore, lol.
    She came down to the school yesterday and loved the attention she got from the children and teachers and licked them almost to death. She did not even mind the big tractors and noisy builders equipment beside the road on rhe walk down. What a wonderful dog Bella is. She will make some family very happy :)


    :D :D


    Its a dogs life :D


    Belle and her foster brother Oslo are very tired from a busy day playing with each other :D


    Our little lady is doing great and we are all mad about her. She is such a gentle and happy girl and loves cuddles. She is pretty calm for a spaniel/collie x but does love her morning run in the park. I have her off the lead now and she always come back when called and like to check where I am even when she is playing with other dogs. She is so friendly with all dogs and very submissive towards them. She was neutered a couple of weeks ago and everything has healed well.

    Bella is a marvellous dog and deserves a lovely family. You can’t find a better family dog!


    Princess Belle has been with us a week now. Her foster family are away for the Christmas. Might find it hard to hand her back when they return.(Sorry guys). She is a little gem. Not an ounce of bother. Eats well, sleeps all night and not a peep. Lets you know when she needs to go outside. Has had no accidents in the house at all. Is great with my two dogs and gets on fantastic with the two cats. She loves people and even if you have only been out of the room for a few minutes when you come back in she greets you like she has not seen you in hours. I have never had a foster dog that was as easy as Belle. She settled into this madhouse as if she always lived here. She will make the perfect family pet as she is very undemanding. A good walk, a good feed, plenty of hugs and a rug in front of the fire and she is happy.


    Brilliant photos…well done & thank you :D


    Just a little insight into feeding time in our house. Of course there is Turkey on the menu as dessert. Belle is quite the lady and just sits and waits her turn. A quick trip outside to do the buiness and then the rush to the living room to get "Pole Position" on the duvet in front of the fire. And just like me they will be asleep 10 minutes into the movie !!!!!. Happy days.


    Id like to express interest in adopting lovely Belle. We are wondering will she grow much bigger as our home is small! We have returned the adoption form and expressed an interest in Ruby too. So many beautiful animals on here its very sad bout would love to give a happy ending to one of the dogs if we can. :)


    Well Belles foster family came home from holidays and collected her on Monday evening. The house is very lonely without her. My youngest dog is missing her a lot. She really is a fantastic little girl. Very obedient. Will not touch her food until I tell her to and is very gentle taking treats from the hand. Lets you know when she needs to go out to do her business and really lets you know when she wants to come in – just in case you forget about her. Can safely say she is fully house trained. Not one accident night or day. Lovely temperament. Brilliant with people and especially children. No problem with the two cats either. LOVES to lie in front of the fire in the evening. I had a hard job shifting her so I could put on more wood. She will make a wonderful addition to any family. We miss her a lot.


    From Bellas foster mum:

    Our little Princess came back to us after staying with another family over Christmas. I was wondering how she would react since she had shared house with two other dogs and cats (thought she might feel lonely with us without her new doggy/cat friends) but she didn’t seem to mind at all. She was so happy to get lots of hugs and kisses from the children who missed her when we were away and she settled back to our family routines straight away. It really shows what a wonderful girl she is. So easy-going and adaptable. We have taken her down to my mother in law for over nights as well and she is happy as long as she gets plenty of cuddles and especially an open fire to sleep in front. This lady LOVES to crash out in front of the fire in the evening!
    Bella got a new sister last Sunday, a big German Shepherd girl called Shadow (well, we are a GSD mad family so it was only a question of time really). The two girls get on fantastic and spent most of yesterday morning playing tug- of-war with an abandoned Santie hat and harassing me when I tried to clean. Bella is just an amazing little girl. So easy going, friendly and cuddly. She is still waiting for her forever family so if you are looking for the perfect family dog, here she is. Just a precious little lady!

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