Wendy – Pomeranian – approx. 6yrs ref 233 – HOMED

Wendy – Pomeranian – approx. 6yrs ref 233 – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Wendy – Pomeranian – approx. 6yrs ref 233 – HOMED

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    This little lady is gone into foster with Suzanne ;) Thanks to Caoimhe for doing the transport :D


    Tell Wendy she can pack her little case ! Look forward to seeing her soon x




    Wendy is doing very well and beginning to find her own way around here. Today she went on her first walk due to two days of rainy weather. She is very good on the lead and excitedly walked around the park enjoying every moment of the sunshine and the dogs and people we passed. Thanks to Niamh Wendy is looking very well after her grooming on Saturday morning . Wendy is a quite a small dog with a very tiny face that keeps watch over me in case I go anywhere without her. We have no bark as yet and she is as timid as a little mouse , sleeps well at night , food ? a slight problem, as I think she may have been fed all sorts and seems to just want our food but we are trying to correct this slowly. She seems to be very curious about almost everything which makes me wonder was she in a house or outside. Early days yet, will update when we have learned more about her. She is very loveable and very affectionate.


    What a lovely girl!! She has such a pretty little face! She and Charlie are both so beautiful… I will be watching their progress with interest.


    :o Is that REALLY the sad little waif in the first photograph? Susiedub you are weaving your magic as always. If ever a little soul needed the help of DID it was Wendy. One of many, I know but what a sad little dog she was and to add insult to injury she had those horrible matts. Full marks to the groomer, what a difference a few days and some decent people have made in such a short time 8-) . Two little Poms and a Pom-cross currently under the care of the great DID, you have to wonder what is happening?


    Wendy is doing very well here, very well behaved, settling in. She is very territorial and though she has not even barked yet she does try and keep the other dogs away from me and also her bed. Still early days yet I guess. Never happier than when she is on my knee ! Food being sorted , she will eat dry food but loves chicken and will only take the dry food when she knows nothing else is coming. She begs for everything including the early morning porridge ! She is treat trainable but looks like she has had no training at all. She is slightly nervous in traffic but due to the wet weather she has only been out a few times. She walks well on the lead, loves her walks too. There is not a problem with her meeting other dogs but as I say no bark yet. She has no time for toys and sleeps a lot but she was very tired when she arrived anyway. Loves you talking to her, also loves the tv if she is on my lap she will watch with interest .She does need a lot of reassurance and if I leave the room I get a huge wag of the tail on returning. She has been face to face with our cat but shows little interest. W e bought a scarecrow today as we have pigeons once more and she seems very interested in him, goes flying out into the garden and tries to climb up the pole ! She doesnt seem to recognise a thing in the home , she had a good look around over days so I wonder has she been kept outside. She is just so quiet though, you wouldn’t know she is here half the time, she is as quiet as a little mouse . She is a great little dog , needs a lot of tlc though and likes to know you are there for her all the time. I wouldnt think it would be a good idea to leave her alone, well certainly not until she is well settled. Trust needs to be built up.


    :) Making progress Wendy but like to keep your foster mother to yourself, exactly the same as Nellie. I know you don’t really know about toys yet but Nellie the Wellie grabs every toy for herself and Dudley is such a ‘girl’ he just gives everything up. Keep up the good progress Wendy. I am so happy you are in a nice environment and you have a great foster family to guide you towards your new life ;) Thanks for the super up-date foster family :D


    This little angel has stolen her foster mums heart and is not changing address :D


    Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, what have you done? Just landed in the best home you could have found :D I am so happy that you are now with a great family who will care for you as you should be cared for. Remember to let us know how you are doing ;) .

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