‘Maxi’ now Mollie

‘Maxi’ now Mollie

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    Conor took this baby out of the pound, thanks a million and will update soon ;)


    A big thanks to Conor who gave this girlie B&B until we could take her.
    And she arrived this morning and straight away you can tell she is a sweet little thing.

    She has really taken to the kids she actively looks to play with the kids and interact even just after a few minutes with us. And she is so good with the other dogs, she took coming into a 3 dog household in her stride and as i type they are out in the garden playing having a blast.

    It is hard to get a photo as she is enjoying herself so much, i have quite a few blurry action shots!!
    But i had to get some up to show just how pretty she is.
    Her eyes are just stunning and her coat is an amazing colour and so soft.


    Well this girl just makes your heart swell.
    She is just a dote,there wasn’t a peep out of her last night and no accident in the house. This is amazing for a young pup just out of the pound!

    She is mad about kids and is such a gentle soul any home would be extremely lucky to have her in their lives.
    2012-03-04 19.00.20.jpg


    :D Oh Maxi you are one of the most beautiful dogs i have seen,i know you will not be long waiting for your forever family,and you landed in the best foster home,so everything is great for you, :P


    I had to put this up,she is the ultimate lap puppy. She hopped up on Shaunas lap and snuggled in. She is the perfect size for an 11 year olds lap!
    2012-03-04 21.00.42.jpg


    Oh Tara, she is stunning….a Chocolate Collie…anything chocolate is wonderful by me :lol: :lol: :lol: She will be snapped up, what a face and expression…beautiful! Fianna


    Fianna she is a dote!!

    I am loving having Maxi here. She is extremely people focused and more so kids.
    The girls were playing a game of cards at the kitchen table. Maxi was belting around playing with the dogs but when she was finished she decided to join them and dragged a bed into the kitchen positioned it right in the middle of them and plonked down and went to sleep :D

    She spends most of her time snuggled on the sofa in the centre of us all. She never tries to take food from the kids (eventhough she seems to have a thing for chocolate, i found her with her nose stuck in my handbag the other day. Turns out i had a chocolate bar wrapper buried somwhere in there and she was determined to root it out!!)

    She hasnt got all the basic commands, but to be honest im not madly focused on these for the moment. I think getting her used to family life and learning to trust people is more important. All the rest will come in time because she is one smart cookie.

    She is super friendly and made a friend out on her walk today. She wasnt one bit fazed by a massive Weimaraner bounding up to say hello.


    Hi Tara, Maxi is a beauty! But we are looking for a small to medium sized dog?? What size do you reckon Maxi will be fully grown?


    Hi Ciara,
    Maxi is definitely not small. She is already a medium dog and she might grow just a little bit more.


    I was thinking that :( but on the bright side she is such a good looking dog it wont be long till somebody snaps her up, and your doing a fantastic job, looking happier and healthier in each picture. xxx


    Well Maxi has met her forever family and she will be heading off once she is spayed :D :D


    The lovely Maxi (we call her Jasmine or Jazz for short!) has been with us 3 weeks. And she really has slotted into our routine.
    At first at bed time she would find a new hiding space each night ( she was always easy to find!) now she trots in with the rest and snuggles in.

    She gets on great with my 3, i think she has developed a little crush on Bailey this week and he is lapping up the attention.
    We are lucky to live beside a secure green area and after almost 3 weeks with us we let her off lead with our crew and she is just hysterical to watch run. She constantly has her tongue out and she just bounds around loving life!! Her recall with us is fantastic, but of course i will say that is with a pack to follow and with a lot of trust built up over time.

    She is a pleasure to foster and continues to be a fab family dog who makes you smile with her funny little personality.
    2012-03-19 12.45.28 Maxi 1.jpg
    2012-03-17 10.29.12-1 Maxi 2.jpg


    Well my beautiful little dote Maxi went off with her mammy today.
    We will all miss her here. She was such a pleasure to foster and the kids and Mya,Bailey and especially Cassie loved helping to prepare her for her new fantastic

    I know Maxi (now Mollie) will have many years of happiness with her family,its like they were made just for her!
    Roll on the updates ;-)


    Don’t you just love happy endings :D


    :D :D

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