Heinz – 1 yr old Yorkshire terrier **HOMED**

Heinz – 1 yr old Yorkshire terrier **HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Heinz – 1 yr old Yorkshire terrier **HOMED**

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    This little girl is in foster with Esme who will update soon ;) She is great with other dogs and children ;)
    Picture 565.jpg


    This little girl is so beautiful,great with other dogs,children,loves her dinner,toilet trained,sleeps all night,loves to chill on the sofa and watch tv.

    Will need to have her hair brushed every day for 5 or 10mins,we will be going on a walk later,so I will update then, ps loves her hugs and kisses


    Esma, you’re a total rockstar! This little girl has landed on her paws with you and miss Sindy. I can’t wait to follow her progress with you guys! :D

    the pooper dog sends his love ;)


    Well we went on our walk,Heinz loved it ,she smelled every blade of grass ,she has no fear of traffic,she does pull on her lead so will need some training,then we decided to go for a spin in the car,she was delighted jumped in and watched everything going on.

    I am sorry I do not have any photos but I will try and get some later today.This little girl in my opinion is perfect,except for pulling on her lead,she is a happy loving girl,and will make a perfect pet ,much prettier than her photo.


    I cannot praise this little girl enough, she went to bed at 9pm and did not wake untill 8.30 this morning. I got her a harness to help with the pulling on the lead,she love her toys and to sit right up next to you and watch tv. Amy honestly she is such a little sweetheart. I will get some photos up today,I dont know how to do it ,so my son said he will.Esma


    :D This little girl is so soo good,we went on a nice long walk this morning and she just loves her walks,harness has helped but she is still pulling on the lead,apart from that she is brill,loves playing with her toys.We had a visit from Audrey ,Heinz and Sindy were delighted to see her, loads of pets,cuddles,and kisses. I will update again soon

    :Oops: sorry forgot to say and is important when I fed Heinz to day, I sat beside her and put my hand in her bowl, she just looked up at me and then carried on eating wow how great is she :


    Called in to see this little bundle today and was expecting well a sad little doggie going by her picture….well I couldn’t have been more wrong ….I could barely get in the hall door for the excitment that my visit was causing……the second I got on the floor I was covered by a lick/kiss every millisecond she danced around with her foster sister and was heart melting to see her soooooo happy and not a bother on her …..happy to pose for the camera too! I got the best cuddle before leaving she will be a great addition to a family who will have to promise to give her all the cuddles she wants!
    Hello Everyone I am happy to be a D.i.D. doggie

    This is where I hid my treats from my foster sis Sindy

    Decided to have a Treat break

    Our favourite movie is "Sister Act"

    This is the silly little bed that came with me ….was I expected to sleep sitting up?????

    Finally I love to play with toys…..this is Foxy a favourite of mine

    2011-10 Dogs In Distress 008.JPG
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    :D good morning this lil lady has slept from 9pm to 7-30am.she is a laugh a min,playing on the sofa with Sindy she rolled over and fell off,then we decided to brush their hair ,Heinz fell asleep while getting her hair brushed and fell of her bed,she was not hurt,she is such a sweetheart ,she will bring a lot of love and laughs to her forever family :lol:


    :D We went out to my father yesterday,as it was his 78 birthday,what a great day,Heinz entertained us,she is such a happy and funny lil dog,she wrestled with Sindy and played.

    I gave them a ball each but Heinz could not find hers,so she decided to take Sindys :o ,it was so funny . :lol: Heinz would not give back the ball,so the chase began we all came home ready for bed.


    :D We went on a nice walk yesterday,and had a great time.
    Heinz is a great lil dog,she had her first shower here ,she was very good in the shower.
    But when she was finished she decided to get back in,she was was trying to bite the water,and was barking at it , :roll: :lol: Sindy came in to see what was going on,we all had a good laugh :lol:


    :lol: update Heinz ,has decided she loves to sit in the sitting room window,so she misses nothing.i was out and when i got back i was talking to my neighbour,Heinz spotted me ,from out side i told her she was beautiful,she rolled over for a tummy rub,fell of the window ledge,(not hurt) :roll: She now gets her coller and lead n brings them into me :D when she wants to go for a walk,and she falls asleep when getting her hair brushed,a truly wonderful lil sweetheart


    :o wow this lil girl has THE X FACTOR,now she has discovered when we are out on a walk and the lead gets caught around her legs,she does a lil skip,hop,skip hope and gets free.Such talent :lol:


    Reserved! Well done, Esma & Sindy! Another D.I.D. success! :D


    she is a lovely dog and esma has made her so happy looking again.cant wait to take her home on friday.a sister for sparky


    Delighted for her loved her from the moment I met her in Esma’s although I was expecting a little fur ball of fear and I was bold over by the fur ball of franticness that met me instead she was just so excited to be somewhere she was wanted and knew she was instantly loved.

    Huge well done to Esma, Des and especially Sindy for showing little Heinz just what life should be like for a loved family member.

    Best of luck little one in your new home hope we get lots of updates.

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