Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Dinky – 10 yr. old jrt – HOMED

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    This poor old little lady needs foster from today until 15th of this month. Please if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 – otherwise she will be brought to the pound :(
    oct pups 620.jpg


    This little lady is gone into foster with Niamh :) Thanks a million to everyone who offered ;)


    Hi, we picked this lovely lady up on Thursday night. She is a lovely little thing. We think she must be part Dachshound as she has a long pretty little face.
    Dinky has been no hassle at all to look after. She is so quiet and well behaved. She settled in very quickly (even after the shock of seeing our over-excited 10 month old Boxer/Lab, who was delighted with his new housemate!).
    Dinky is great on the lead and got very brave off the lead on her run up in Killiney Hill yesterday evening.
    This lady was obviously very well cared for previously, and is a great house pet. She is happy sleeping alot and pottering around the house. She loves her cuddles and knows when there is the chance of getting some food!
    Here are some pics of Dinky :)


    Just wondering how this lovely lady is getting on?


    Dinky is getting on great. She really has settled in with us and our puppy. She is such an easy going dog and just loves being around people. She leaves us Friday though to go to a Rescue Centre that looks after rehoming older dogs so hopefully she finds a great home as she is a beauty.


    well if it is the rescue I think it is she will be well minded by a wonderful woman.


    Change of plan for Dinky, Lainey (who adopted Cody last year), has fallen for this little lady and is adopting her on Friday :D This is just the best news ever :D


    Fair play to you Lainey, she is a little beauty ;)


    Wow that is amazing news! :D Lainey, you are getting a gorgeous little dog. We are so happy to hear that she got her forever home. It’ll make giving her up on Friday that bit easier.

    Dinky is currently asleep on her bed beside us after her walk around Killiney Hill this evening. She is fitter than you would expect!


    Awww thats great news! Im delighted for her :)


    Fantastic news , well done Lainey. She is a little dote.


    Thrilled to hear this – going now from one loving home to another! Have a very happy ever after Dinky. x


    Hi – Cody here. My Mum says I will have a new friend who is more of my own "vintage". ;) I was getting a bit fed up having to hang out with the two youngsters I currently live with so I am really looking forward to meeting Dinky tomorrow. :D As you know, I am blind and deaf so Mum is helping me to get Dinky’s bed ready for her. We’ve put it right beside mine so I don’t lose her too easily! I can’t wait to take her to my favourite walking spot in Brittas Bay although Mum says I can’t be trusted off the lead there any more after I tried to run to Wales last Saturday. She says I am safer in the dunes ‘cos the sand is all nice and soft.

    I will update you on our friendship once we get Dinky settled in and as snug as a bug in a rug.

    Love from Cody


    I’m so delighted for Dinky – the oldies really tear at your heart strings.


    Little Miss Dinky arrived home safely yesterday after a wonderful stay with Niamh, Sean and Buddy. :D

    Poor little love seems totally unsure of what’s going to happen next and seems to want to try to find her way home. Niamh had the same feeling when she was walking her on Killiney Hill. She has a forlorn look on her little face but we are working hard to help her realise that she will be safe, warm and well. She is sitting on my lap now making sure that i update her thread!

    She is in good health, travels well in the car and is happy enough to tolerate our other dogs. She is great with cats. ;) All she wants is a little "ramble", some food, lots of TLC and a nice, comfy bed to curl up in.

    Some photos below taken of her conked out last night and also on the beach in Brittas Bay today. She is a little dote and I’ll post more over the next week as she settles in.
    Dinky 215.JPG
    Dinky 207.JPG
    Dinky 147.JPG

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