Nickle – Llewellen Setter x Hound *HOMED*

Nickle – Llewellen Setter x Hound *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Nickle – Llewellen Setter x Hound *HOMED*

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    Nickle is 16 wks old and will be medium to large when fully grown. He will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6 mts. old. This beautiful boy won me over with those eyes …..he was the most with drawn of the bunch and tried to climb the crate when i was just rubbing him down with baby wipes to try and clean him up a bit…Stunning markings and Im sure under Catherine’s loving care he will come out of himself and learn to be a puppy all over again.

    He was so unsure of every slight movement around him

    Delighted to see him snooze before I left ….the day really took its toll on this wee soul


    omg he is gorgeous his little face will melts hearts :D


    Oh Geordie you are so right I haven’t thought of anything else but him all last night and today….I may become a failed fostered here ….just hope he is snapped up otherwise he might be coming to live with me!


    well i think if you become a failed fosterer he is one lucky pup :D


    Well Blue (aka nickle) has been with me for just 2 weeks now and he has settled in so well. He is the quieter of the two I have the pleasure of fostering and was very nervous initially. After letting himself and his brother have a rest having made a long trip here I put them out to the garden to meet my mad bunch :lol: They both sniffed around their new surroundings and very quickly got themselves acquainted. They got on great with all my dogs and I think this helped bring them out of their shell !!!
    Unfortunately Blue got ill and was in veterinary care for 5 days however he has made a full recovery and is home since Thursday. Within minutes of arriving back he was bounding around the garden with his brother Dusty and the rest of the gang and now is absolutely thriving !!! :D He had a check up today and not only has he got a clean bill of health he was clearly delighted to see everyone there … wagging his tail and happily wandering around while we waited as if it were his second home so there will be no vet phobias here I’m happy to say !!!
    Blue is crate trained .. just about house trained … still the odd accident if we don’t notice him at the door on time and will sit on command (for treats of course :D ) which I have to say is excellent as he is so so young !!!! He will be a large dog when fully grown and will need plenty of exercise and stimulation but whoever gives this beautiful puppy a forever home will be repaid with endless fun and so much love and affection !!


    The Fabulous Blue :D
    Blue 1.JPG


    Blue :!:
    Blue and Dusty 1.JPG


    Blue :!:
    Blue and Dusty 1.JPG
    luke and pups.JPG
    pups and me1.JPG


    Oh Cathy Im sooo delighted to see how big the boys are getting ….thanks for giving him the proper start to his little life that he didn’t have originally…..Hope all your pack are in top form.


    Nickle is now reserved to his lovely new home ;)


    I did a home visit for a lovely lady who was mad about him! Hope she’s getting him because he’ll be going to a super home if she is :)


    Of the family of four fur kids that came into D.I.D’s care …..Nickle (Blue) was the one who won my heart ….I was worried as he was so terrified and nearly into himself …..delighted the great work that Cathy has done with him and he is getting a forever home…..thats just made my day! Hope you have tonnes of fun in your forever home.


    I believe that Nickle is reserved for me and I just had the home visit from Anne (by the way, it was a pleasure meeting you Anne). So I hope it won’t be too long now until we can offer Nickle a great life. Fair play to Cathy and family, he looks fantastic. If possible I would love to meet Nickle before the official ‘hand-over’.


    well i did a lovely home visit too and hope that he is going to that home , looks like he is a lucky dog with such demand and so many nice homes to choose from . Until the meet and greet nothing is settled .


    Glad to see that Nickle is going to his forever home. We adopted his brother Nugget (now Oscar) just over three weeks ago and he is an absolutely adorable dog. Hopefully this is in Nickle’s genes too, and I wish you as much fun with Nickle as we have with his brother!

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