Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

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    Name: Gabby

    Reference Number: 325

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Finglas

    Date Out: 28th March 2010


    Great she is out of the pound. She looks lovely, We are looking for a lab to adopt, looking forward to seeing what she is like and how she is doing in her foster home :-)



    Well from seeing her in the pound being walked around on Sat and Sun she is your usual lab, gentle girl very good with other dogs , she is overweight and looks like she could do with some decent exercise. She was in very close proximity to other dogs and not a bother .Not sure what training is on her though.


    Gabby needs b&b just for Fri./Sat night as her fosterer is away for the weekend. Please if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)



    We are fostering Gabby, the lovely chocolate lab. She has come on so much in the 6 weeks we’ve had her. She has learnt so much too. She knows "sit", "lie down", "give the paw", "stay" and is nearly there with "heel" on the lead. She is playful and very gentle with kids. She loves walks and "fetching the ball" and playing with her favourite teddy – Tweety Pie. She is also a great little swimmer when she has the chance.

    We’ll keep you updated and will try and get some photos uploaded – we’re just not good with computers is all.

    Jarls – (John&Arlene)


    From what time on Friday does this dear need B&B from ? :)


    This sorted now thanks to Belinda and Elaine :D Thanks ladies ;)


    Well i had this lady today for a few hrs and this dog is fab. Fair play to Arlene for the hard work she has put into Gabby as this dog is so so obedient. She will sit, paw and lay down when told. she is brilliant off lead and always comes back. brilliant with other dogs and children and she is going to make some1 very very happy. such a beautiful looking dog, fabulous temperament.


    What a beautiful dog in every sense. Gabby was with us from Friday evening to today. She is such a pleasure. Tail never stops moving at a very fast pace! She has got a lovely figure on her now. I have to echo what Belinda said, Arlene & John have done great work with her, from helping her slim down, helping her to deal with and hopefully completely overcoming her car anxiety’s to being so well trained. This girl will make a wonderful addition to any family. We had her down the Phoenix park over the weekend a couple of times, she gets a lot of attention for how pretty she is, from dogs and humans alike, and she’s very sociable with both. We had her off the lead also for a bit of a run a round, no bother getting her back. Here are a few pictures I took of her over the weekend.


    You need to fill out an adoption form which you will find on the main site under forms. You send it in and wait for someone to get in touch who will carry out a home visit. Please be patient as it will be a volunteer who will carry out the home check and the admin also a volunteer who will approve it. Good luck


    Gabby came to live with us yesterday afternoon and she is settling in really well. She was made to live as part of a family and is so gentle with our 2 year old. She bounds around the place like a puppy but is always very careful when near Freya as she seems to know she could knock her over very easily.

    She has had a few walks so far and even a visit to the beach in Greystones this afternoon. She loved the sea and tried to run at it and catch the water in her mouth! She got soaked by a few high waves and would then run out and roll in the sand to try and dry herself!

    We also took her to Pet Bliss (online pet store) which has their shop across the road and they took her picture for their facebook page!!

    We were amazed that she slept through the night last night, she just headed off to her bed at 10.20 pm and started snoring! We let her out at 6.40 am and then went back to bed until 9.00 (no work today!) and she just slept :) Amazing!

    She is fast asleep and snoring here now after her trip to the beach! :lol:

    Arlene and John did a fantastic job with Gabby, we owe them so much. She is just the perfect dog, so well trained. She is just fab. Thanks so much to all at DID too, you do a great job :D

    Here is the lady herself!


    So happy it all worked out for you guys. Gabby looks and sounds like she’s got those paws well under the table already :lol:
    Hope you’ll all be very happy together!!


    delighted Gabby got a good home, she really was such a great dog :)


    Just thought I would update you all now that we have had Gabby for 2 months :)

    Gabby is getting on so well, she is a typical playful puppy and loves our 2 year old. They are the best of friends and do everything together. Freya even gets Gabby up onto the couch to read her books and they curl up together to watch TV. Very cute to watch.

    Freya also loves building houses for Gabby and Gabby is very happy to let her

    She loves her walks particularly if they involve swimming. She has settled in very well to Wicklow and Glendalough is one of her favourite swimming spots!

    My parents got 2 lab pointer x sisters about a week after we got Gabby and they have become the best of friends and can often be found digging up the garden together or running laps of the dog park in Marley park!

    As you can see Gabby is getting on really well here and is the perfect family dog , we all love her and all of her madness :D

    She is still terrified of the car and has to be carried out of the house and lifted in despite the fact that she has been in it almost everyday over the last 2 months. Hopefully with time she will get used to it.

    Thanks again to Arlene for her fantastic work and to all at DID for doing a fabulous job


    Gabby is up for adoption as her families circumstances have changed. She is approx. 18mts old and is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered. She is great with other dogs and as you can see fantastic with children. Gabby is still very puppyish so will need an active home.

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