Fairy – Chihuahua

Fairy – Chihuahua

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Fairy – Chihuahua

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    Name: Fairy

    Reference Number: 250

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: 11th March 2010

    This sweetheart is approx 9 years old and was used for breeding in the past :(


    Because this little one is a slightly older Fairy she has been allowed to do her stray time in foster care ;) – thanks to Pound management.


    :) Oh, that really is nice news, thank you (as well) to the pound staff, what good people you are. Little Fairy looks so worried but she will be happier now.


    I’m minding Fairy while she does her stray time…she is warm and fed and doing well so no worries for her at the moment… :D


    ;) Thank you for the up-date, I can now try and remove that photo of a worried little dog to a more content one. Nice to know she is being cared for in a home environment, poor little mite, she is only the size of a crumb!


    I saw her on Saturday, whinchy little thing. Little dote, cowered in the back of kennel. Pound is not the place for a sensitive breed.


    Well of course I had to keep her :D . We’ve named her Millie. She’s such a sweetheart….I couldn’t let her go…she’s just back from the vet, she’s not in great shape :cry: but we don’t mind…we’ll do what we have to do to keep her spirits up…she has two new furry sisters who will show her a good time ;) …we’re going to give her a good life for the time she has left……see..there is such a thing as fairies… :lol:


    And Fairy Godmothers :D


    You’re great!! She will have a happy rest of her life with you. Thank you


    :) I hope she has a good long time with her family, her comfort and security will hopefully override any health issues. Our dog Cassie (was Cassidy) had major health issues identified quite soon after her arrival but 19 months later and with a growing list of very serious health issues, she is marching on and anyone seeing/meeting her would never know. Its got very little to do with us, she is just really enjoying a pleasant life where she lives very much as part of our family, warm, fed and secure. She is very playful and each health matter that has presented itself has had the vets saying, "well, its not good, we can try XYZ and see what happens but if it/this doesn’t work, that really is the end of the road". Cassie thunders on and thoroughly enjoys her life. A message there for all of us I thinkl. Good luck little dog, enjoy all the care you are getting – you deserve every single bit of it.


    She is just too cute to let go! Congrats on the new addition :) I love Chihuahuas!


    Just thought I’d give an update on my little fairy Millie. It took her a while to settle in and her sisters weren’t always pleased to have her around :roll: . But as the days have gone by she has become more relaxed…every day a little bit of her personality shines through. I come home now to find all three jumping around to greet me.her tail wagging and she follows me around to say hello.. last week the other 2 as usual started to chase each other and she joined in for the first time, barking and running around…it was a sight to behold.. :lol:

    She has started following me around the house now and sitting up beside me or on my lap. She is a dream at night, not a whimper out of her and most importantly she is eating healthy, 2 square meals a day (she didn’t eat great the first week and I was a little worried,) and her coat is getting shiny..her ears were in a particularly bad state but now they are silky and rid of dead skin and dead hair…

    And what a friendly little thing she is. I am ashamed to say my other 2 can be reserved and give a bit of guff to dogs approaching and people saying hello, but this little madam just loves to walk up to greet strangers, particularly kids and doesn’t bat an eyelid at other dogs..she puts the other 2 to shame :shock: ..right now she is stretched across my lap snoring…

    I’m finding out little things about her, like wherever she was, she was fed from the table and given chocolate, two big no no’s in my house….

    She is not a well girl and vet adviced if she can’t keep up with the others to give her a rest…but no..not a bother on her, trots along step for step…though I think she’s a wanderer as I let her off the lead once and she booted off up the field :shock: , not like her sisters who never leave my side except for a sniff .so she’s tied to me now….

    So Millie has finally found her feet. and there’s a lot of life in the old dog yet….one person’s loss is my gain, that’s what I say :D :D

    will post some pictures soon as I figure out how.. :oops:


    Siobhan brought Fairy to visit us in Ashton last Sunday. What a transformation, Fairy now has a shiny coat, wagging tail – she is in great form and she was happy to come for a walk – in my arms – on Sunday. It is wonderful to see this little dog who was so firghtened in the Pound now a part of a wonderful family.

    Many thanks Siobhan.


    Thanks Ann :D , though she is a treasure so it’s easy to have her around and look after her. We were meant to be I think…

    The good news is she will no longer be travelling around in the car in a cardboard box :oops: , I’m collecting her car seat tonight so she will finally have her own place in the car :D . What a sight I will look like with a row of three little squirts in the back seat :lol: :lol: . See you next weekend.



    My little fairy Millie, passed away yesterday 21st June :cry: .

    She was a skinny boney little mite but full of life and fun. She asked for nothing at all and gave loads of love and affection without being asked…

    We moved from Dublin to live on a farm and Millie had a ball, she walked the fields with her sisters and chased birds and anything that moved. She even hearded sheep across a huge field and then ran back to her panic stricken exhausted Mam, all pleased with herself :lol: . She did make me laugh.

    On Friday I was dragging her out of a bush when she chased after a bird her tail wagging with determination but by Sunday night she was listless and and miserable. Her old heart had finally given out. I took her to our lovely vet who let me stay with her while she went to sleep. It was heartbreaking but it was the right thing to do..

    We are all very sad and even in the short 3 months she lived with us, it was as if she had always been with us…I always thought we would have her for ever… We will miss her desperately…

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