Snowy- Male Spitz

Snowy- Male Spitz

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Snowy- Male Spitz

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    Snowy is a 2 year old male Spitz. He is a beautiful little guy but is a little standoffish when he first meets you. He gets on fine with female dogs but isn’t too fond of other males. He is a very loving little bundle and is full of hugs and kisses. He loves being brushed and just turns to putty in your hands when being groomed! He is housetrained and has basic obedience and is just a great little fella in all ways! If you are interested in giving Snowy a home please contact me on 087 9404109 or email at


    hi muireann, I wonder if snowy has been neutered? This may help his problem with other males. Otherwise do you know if he’s good with meeting people, children etc., or is it too soon to say. Thanks, Mary


    Hi Mary

    Yep Snowy is neutered. He gets on fine with other neutered males but really isn’t a fan of any unneutered ones! He is a bit stand offish and unsure when he first meets people but gets quite confident pretty quickly. ;)


    Can only post a little bit before my laptop times out :x We had the pleasure of meeting this little man and he is a treasure, a real character who was very well bahaved when he was here, far better than my 2 unruly hooligans :? Someone will be very lucky to get this little man and give him a chance to shine!!


    what a smashing little dog snowy is. he came to visit us and i would love to have kept him. however, i think i could have a personality clash with one of mine, guess which one/ IT WILL BE NO TIME BEFORE HE IS IN HIS FOREVER HOME.


    Snowy relaxing:


    This beautiful little guy is still waiting on a home to call his own. He is just a fab little guy, I can’t believe he hasn’t been snapped up already! He has really come out of his shell and is now living happily with all the other Spitz, males and females which is great because at the start he was a bit wary of them all. Will post up some new pictures over the next couple of days.

    pegleg peggy

    Muireann, how is Snowy with cats? Kids?
    Does he bark a LOT, as some Spitzs do?


    He is grand with cats, older kids and actually doesn’t bark as much as other Spitz if you can believe that! But he was snapped up on Tuesday and has gone to his new home where he has a Spitz sister, a guinea pig and a cat to keep him company!


    Delighted to hear about Snowy,s new home. All the best Snowy, you,re a great little man. Mary


    Delighted to hear about Snowy,s new home. All the best Snowy, you,re a great little man. Mary

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