Bozo – Lhasa apso

Bozo – Lhasa apso

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    Bozo is in foster with Sinead :D He is approx 10 mts old and gentle little man who gets on great with other dogs.


    we have met this little man he is a lovely chap very playfull and happy . hey sinead cant wait for pics :D


    This little guy came to stay with us a few days ago and my god is he just gorgeous! We have been calling him Freddie as he seems to answer to it.

    A BIG THANK YOU to Audery and her family for finding this little guy and giving him B&B for the night!

    At first he had a bit of a barking fit at us but we think he may have a fear of boots (we were wearing boots at the time) but we became best of friends in a matter of minutes! :) This poor little guy was in awful condition, his coat was just one huge mat but THANKS to the ladies at the Wagging Tail in Dunboyne he is now feeling and smelling much better! :) He still can do with putting on some weight so hopefully in the next few weeks his coat will be lovely and silky and he’ll be in top form!

    He is as happy, loves being near humans and being inside the house, he is house trained, only cocked his leg once or twice to mark his place and very clean otherwise.

    As the days pass he is really coming out of his shell, he is getting on brillanlty with Bruce and the kitten and loves nothing more than sitting beside you on the couch or at your feet. You would hardly know this boy is in the house, he is a quite as a mouse! He sleeps in his crate at night and gives a little whimper but he settles down very quickly.

    He really is a gorgeous guy, a perfect little companion, my Mother fell for him in a matter of seconds as I am sure most people will!

    Pics to follow


    Sorry in advance about the bad quality phone pics!

    This is little Bozo (Freddie) when he first arrived. His coat was terribly matted.

    The all new and improved Freddie after his day at the beauty parlor :) He is feeling much better now!!


    How is Freddie getting on? What is he like with children? :P


    wow what a makeover! he looks great with the new ‘do!


    Freddie is getting on great! He is really coming out of his shell.

    He loves going out on his walks and sitting/sleeping on the steps of the stairs and tennis balls! He and the kitten play and chase each other around the house and himself and Bruce are getting on brilliantly!

    Freddie is great in the house, and is a great little watch dog!

    He has met a few kids around the estate and he let them give him a rub on the head and his tail wagged, so I’m sure he’ll be great with kids! (He’s still only a puppy) Hopefully my nieces will meet him at the weekend!
    They (of course) will be smitten with him as they are with all the fosters! :)

    Will update with pics later …


    I was reading up a bit about the Lhasa Apso as a breed.

    The Lhasa Apso originated in Tibet in the Himalayan Mountains hundreds of years ago. It’s named after the sacred city of Lhasa. For years the breed remained solely bred in Tibet by holy men and nobles. It was used as a watchdog in temples and monasteries. The dog was considered sacred. The belief was that when its master died the master’s soul entered the Lhasa Apso’s body. The breed was not easy to come across and were hard to buy. The dogs were considered good luck to their owners.

    They need to be brushed about once a day to keep their coats from matting. Clean the eyes and ears meticulously, for they tend to tear. This breed is an average shedder.

    Their life expectancy is about 15 or more years. This breed is very long-lived. Some dogs live up to 18 or more years.

    Lhasa Apsos are spirited and devoted little dogs, which are affectionate with their masters. They can be very obedient to their masters. They have a keen sense of hearing, and make good watch dogs. The Lhasa Apso travels well.

    Bozo (Freddie) is a total dote, he is one of the most affectionate dogs we have fostered and loves nothing more than a cuddle and a good rub on the belly! He has been allowed sleep in our room on a few occasions and he curls up at the end of the bed for the night. He is a really easy dog in the house, you would hardly know he is there.

    As I said in a previous post, he is a great little watch dog! He spent ages the other day barking up at a helicopter, he was terrified of it, but he is getting more and more used to the new sounds!

    Freddie is still a bit nervous with strangers and other dogs and barks and yaps at them until they pass when out on a walk. In saying that he gets in brilliantly with our dog Bruce and himself and the kitten have become best of friends, he is incredibly gentle with her. So, I think it is all down to fear.

    He can become a little possessive with tennis balls and other toys, so because he is still a bit unsure, I would say Freddie would be better suited to a home with no children.

    Pics to follow :)


    The Mister himself:

    In the snow tonight!


    Well my little mister Freddie went off to his lovely new home this morning, where no doubt, he will be spoiled rotten!! They have promised loads of pics & updates…..Be happy little man! xxxx



    Freddie (aka Bozo) in his new home!

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