Ellie (Sheba) Japanese Spitz

Ellie (Sheba) Japanese Spitz

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Ellie (Sheba) Japanese Spitz

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    Little Ellie came into Ashton in an awful state June 2008. She had lost most of her hair, was covered in sores and her neck was out of place. She was a nervous little thing.

    I took her into foster immediately. It was very obvious Ellie had also been used for breeding on top of everything else.

    She found her paws pretty quickly with me and began to get rather cheeky, deciding she ‘d like my bed instead of her own

    In her famous red jumper, given to her by Marie to keep her warm:

    And of course her sitting demurely while my lot were demanding to know where I was going:

    After 6 weeks of rubbing bio oil on her skin and washing her sores, her hair began to come back. When she was neutered it was discovered she had cysts on her ovaries and after the operation her hair started to grow back at a rapid pace. She left me for her new life with a wonderful lady and a German Spitz to keep her company, this is her before she left me:

    I popped into see Ellie a few months ago and just couldn’t believe the difference in her and how happy she was in her new home:

    Ellie died in her sleep today. I am absolutely devastated and so upset that this little beauty didn’t get longer in her new home, were she was loved and spoilt as she deserved to be. But at least she knew love and kindness in the last year of her short life.

    You will always be in our thoughts my little woman, you are at peace now where no one can ever neglect you again xxx

    RIP Ellie, love you always


    RIP Ellie (Sheba) thankfully she had a lot of love and care in her last year, so would have passed on with happy thoughts in her heart.


    Aww this little girl was such a beauty i was just reading her story in the calendar yesterday. I’m glad she at least got to know what real love and a real family felt like before she passed. RIP little one :cry: :cry:


    R.I.P Little Ellie. :(


    Run Free little one :(


    I remember following this lady when she was in your care, such a transfomation. So sad to hear she is at the bridge – she did get to know what love and affection in the later part of her life thanks to you and her new owner. You should be so pround of giving that to her. It’s always awful when pets die, you (Muireann) and her new owner will be in my thoughts.


    So sorry to read this. I was crying last night when I heard. At least you had 10 fantastic months where you were loved and cherished. Rest in Peace.


    I am just so glad that this little girl died having had such love and care for those last months. You are an angel for what you gave her.


    So sorry to here this Muireann. oh poor Ellie she fought through so much..
    And you gave her such a brilliant start and put so much love into nursing her back to health..
    R.I.P little one run free at the bridge


    Its heartbreaking, so sorry for the loss that people are feeling at the moment.


    aww, that is just so sad. I too was reading about her on the calendar, my 3 year old niece wondered why she had no hair in the top pic, i was explaining to her. That is so sad she passed on. I hope her family are ok. At least she had almost a year of a good happy life full of love and happiness. RIP little girl.


    So very sad to read this. R.I.P. little Ellie.


    Ah so sorry to read Ellie had passed on.

    Poor baby, but at least she knew lots of love and happiness both with her foster Mum and new home.

    Take care of yourself.

    Caitriona :(

    Joan Kirwan

    OMG I can’t believe this… I have followed her story since last year and met her in ashbourne .. its soooo sad . RIP sweerheart ..Joan


    So sorry to hear this Muireann! R.I.P little Ellie..

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