Munchie – Staffie

Munchie – Staffie

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  • #76418

    Name: Munchie

    Reference Number: 162

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Elm Walk, Clarehall

    Date Out: 18th February 2009

    Munchie is so sweet, your typical happy staffie. Full of licks!


    we are taking this guy home tomorrow thanks to Fidelma whos collecting him and holding him for us! Will post lots of pics and updates :D


    Hi there!

    Amanda here, Astrid’s house mate. We’d like to introduce Munchie, aka "Beasley"… Having so much fun with him, great little guy! He’s an eighteen month old puppy, going on eighty year old man!! :lol: Adores cuddles, great on the lead and house trained. Here are some pics from bathtime today…


    well i’ve totally gotten myself in trouble, i’ve fallen hard for this little guy. he’s like my shaddow! He has a bit of a dodgy hip it seems as he’s got a pretty bad limp but it doesnt seem to hurt him. we went to the park on saturday to run around, found out he cant run :? poor babe was wrecked after two laps around that on our way back he just laid down and wouldnt get up and reached for me to pick him up. ended up carrying him home… the whole 30 pounds of him :lol: :lol: he’s such a baby just likes to be carried and held like a baby! We are all completly mad about him not sure how we are going to be able to give him away think we could end up failed fosterers with him!


    AWWW how could ya not end up a failed fosterer with that face!! He’s beautiful! :lol: Ya might need to buff up at the gym if ya intend carrying 30lbs around!!!! :lol: Looking forward to more updates and pics! (and to see if ya join the failed fosterers club)


    well we’ve had mr. beasley for a week now. He is settled in and getting less curious and taking a bit more chances i think! he is still like my shaddow, has to be in every room i’m in! Found some cigarette burns on his ears and with the limp i dont think he was treated very well in the past. Bless him tho you wouldnt know it! he is sooo loving and is obsessed with children. navigates towards them its so cute! I’ve never had a staffie before and i am ashamed to admit i was one of those people that would have been afraid of them and maybe dismissed them as a pet due to their poor reputation in the news. Mr. Beasley has totally changed my mind! He’s just like every other doggie and even more affectionate than most dogs i’ve seen! I’d love to adopt him but it would not be fair to him as i’m not home enough and he would be perfect for a family with kids. he does not jump up (he cant really), he’s pretty lazy (likes to be carried around and sit on your lap like a baby), he’s amazing on the lead, would do well walking off the lead and is just so affectionate!!!


    I’ve never had a staffie before and i am ashamed to admit i was one of those people that would have been afraid of them and maybe dismissed them as a pet due to their poor reputation in the news. Mr. Beasley has totally changed my mind! He’s just like every other doggie and even more affectionate than most dogs i’ve seen![/quote:25156ub0]

    Great to hear! Staffies as a whole are just wonderful little dotes, it’s such a pitty that a few irresponsible owner are reason these babes have a not so good rep but, as you have experienced, the vast majority don’t live up to this rep in the least.


    What a lovely update :) We had the cuddly Mr. Beasley for only 2 hrs on Friday but he toddled around after my 2 terrors wanting to be part of the gang, and went hiding behind the kitchen table when things became boisterous, poor love. Got scared of the noisy barking too :( Definitely a sad history there but so lovable and content just to cuddle up close to you. He’s really landed on his paws in your place, Acki, plenty of TLC there :) and looking better already. Keep up the good work :)


    Just wanted to put some more pics up of Mr. Beasley. he’s so good around kids had a little girl knock on our door today to play with him :) he loves attention! he has settled very well in, only thing now is that he has been having accidents in the house. I walked him for an hour yesterday and as soon as we got home is pee’d in the kitchen. he has been doing this the past two days not sure why. going to have to re-toilet train him for now! heres a few pics of him sleeping….on my bed! :o :o


    well mr. beasley has not had an accident in the house since my last post so think maybe he was just anxious or upset! Have bought him a new Kong and he is obsessed with it! Only problem with it is he keeps getting it stuck under the couch!!! He’s so cute in the mornings he wakes up and does a little cry and i let him out and feed him and he goes right back to bed likes a lye in! he’s very good at listening to commands. He is not a fan of the rain unless he’s on a walk already and it starts to rain but if it is raining and you try to bring him out he’ll have none of it and will run under a blanket or couch!


    Astrid, Mr Beasley sounds adoreable. My friend in Australia has her own rescue staffie, and she is always singing the praises of the breed. I love it when staffies get into foster as I know it would make my friend in Australia so happy and I do miss her so much.

    Anyway – enough of my rambling. The point that I was going to make is that would you believe that Mr Beasley’s dislike for the rain is a classic trait of staffies. It’s a breed thing – they hate the rain! Very sensible dogs!


    Hi Justine, haha is it really? ya he hates it doesn’t even like going out onto a wet floor but is great in a bath!


    Excuse me i’m trying to sleep….

    I’m bored, wonder where my kong is?!!! :x

    There it is yes!!!!! :D :lol: :lol:

    ok i’m not a baby but i really must admit i could sit like this for hours!


    Well mr beasley is doing great he is fully house trained now :D :D he is on a little bit of a diet as i have made him a little chubby i think, he just wins my heart when he is looking for treats and we were using treats to train him so he’s gained a bit of weight :o :o We keep telling him he looks great tho wouldnt want to hurt his feelings :lol:
    He’s such a cuddle monster and refuses to be in a different room when any of us are home he just likes to sit on top of you and be picked up! i think he thinks he is the size of a yorkie haha! Very good on the lead still i’d say a 4 year old could walk him and he’s very good with dogs we meet on our walks! All in all an amazing little doggie we’ve come to love him so much!


    He’s looking gorgeous :D well done, you’re obviously spoiling him to bits- who wouldn’t with that cute face :lol:

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