Bella – Spaniel x puppy

Bella – Spaniel x puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bella – Spaniel x puppy

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    Bella is a great girl, she went into foster today. She is approx 10 weeks old and was petrified in the pound but has totally come out of her shell. She is a little dote.


    Love his ears.

    OH just saw his picture and it reminded him of the dog in one of the Pedigree adoption campaign ads. he is so cute.


    Oh my god she is the cutest :D How could anyone have given her up? Cant understand how people can be so cruel :evil: hope she gets her forever home soon :P


    Hi there – I have a Springer I rescued from you guys a year and a half ago. Do you think Bella would like to live with Taffy?

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