Roxy – Little terrier (featuring her best pal bindi!)

Roxy – Little terrier (featuring her best pal bindi!)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Roxy – Little terrier (featuring her best pal bindi!)

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    This lovely little girl is due to give birth any day now.


    This lovely little girl is due to give birth any day now. If anyone can offer foster please contact Gwen (Gkd).


    Hi all. I have the little Madam since yesterday and no babies yet. She is a little dote and very good. Will keep you all posted. Maura.


    Thanks Maura for giving her a save place to have her puppies. Look forward to the photos from the delivery suite.


    Thats great Maura, I was a little worried. Thank you.


    Hi again. still no babies, She is now called Roxy and knows her name already.She is a super friendly little girl, is great with kids, dogs and cats. Loves her walkies and is very good off the lead. She is not too keen on been on the lead but she,ll get used to it. As I have never had a little dog all to my self she is getting a little pampered. She has her basket in the kitchen. Her blanket on the couch and she cuddles up with me in the bed at night. She is a real little lap dog and of course her almost ready to have babies she is getting all the treatment. I am very bold. She sits, gives the paw and rolls over. The dog tester is teaching her to do hi five. She is a right little Madam. She is eating very well and looks like she is house trained, just a little accident or two the first day she came to me. I had to go to work for a few hours today and I left her in the kitchen and all was well when I got back.No pees or poos and everthing was intact. So far she has passed all the initial tests and for such a little bit of a thing she has shown no aggressive tendencies towards anything at all. She knows all her commands and her recall is very good. I,m getting so impatient waiting for these babies. I just want them now :!: . the camera is on standby with a full box of batteries beside it, …….Maura.


    Hello all. Well the good news is three babies arrived saftely this evening. two big ones and a little one, all girls. Mum and babies are fine, all feeding well and mum has had some food as well. She is doing a great job with them. Great fun and games in my house all day. Nicola was the midwife. Jarred was the towel holder and Jordan was the midwifes assistant. I was the tea maker and comforter to poor little Roxy. She was so good. She wanted to have the babies on my lap or on the couch and none of us could leave the kitchen or she would start crying. I think she likes an audience. The babies are all brindle with a little white patch under their chins. They are almost identical. got some pics to put up and will keep you all up to date on my new family. Maura.


    Great news! I was wondering when this little lady was going to pop. looking forward to the pictures :)


    Little roxy a few hours before her babies arrived.


    Baby no 1.


    Baby no 2.


    And finally No 3.


    The proud Mum and her three little girls.


    Congratulations to Roxy and Maura and all the birth helpers. Look forward to seeing the photos of the little ones. Thanks for all you have done and are doing for this little dog.


    Congratulations :D and well done for fostering roxy she looks like a little sweetheart! xxx


    that great news congrats 2 al invovld

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